Custom Mealplanning and recipe management.
In our household we need an overview of our recipes and a calendar that we can plan our meals within the next week(s).
- docker & docker-compose
- GNU make (for debugging on a windows machine)
- Clone the repository:
git clone
Create your
Build and run with docker compose:
cd mealplan
docker-compose up -d
The app is now reachable at localhost:5000
- you can create & edit recipes with a dialog
- import recipes by pasting links from, e.g. (using
Weekly View:
Monthly View:
- calendar UI is pretty basic to potentially run the mealplan on an e-ink display (I plan to implement this in the future)
- use of symbols to represent meals in the calendar to make the plan readable for the smallest family members
- meals can be rescheduled with drag & drop
Generate shopping list based on ingredients & export to todoist
- time range for shopping list selectable in UI
- mealplan tries to aggregate ingredients with natural language processing
- shopping list or certain ingredients can then be exported to todoist and are therefore synced on your mobile device for the actual shopping
Just remove the volume with the following command:
docker volume rm mealplan_db_volume
Then restart the app.
Replace the backupfile name, $CONTAINER
from the following command:
zcat backupfile.sql.gz | docker exec --tty --interactive $CONTAINER psql --username=$USERNAME --dbname=$DBNAME -W
Some code and ideas, especially the html templates and the use of are inspired by this project: The data models & routing were reimplemented to match our personal requirements. The user authentication system was dropped as I wanted to avoid to do the authentication myself and just run the app as a docker service locally, potentially exposing it with a reverse proxy. Also the use of the spoonacular api to import recipes was replaced by using to support multiple recipe websites & languages.