Sprint 6
User Stories
#513 - Petitions Clerk/Supervisor: Assign Petition to Petitions Clerk (2.7)
Adding the ability for petitionsclerk to forward work items between other petitionclerks in the same section.
#404 - Court: Suffix on Docket Number (2.6)
Adding a suffix to the docketNumber anywhere that docketNumber is displayed
#402 - Petitioner: Enter Case Metadata (2.5)
Redesign of the start a case page to allow the user to enter metadata
#401 - Petitioner: Upload IRS Notice (2.4)
Added the ability for the user to upload an IRS notice (this was later removed on the 402 task because we are assuming the petitioner will combine their files into a single pdf before upload)
Deploy Steps
- delete all items from the efcms-stg dynamodb table