Fili's Chili is mereley an adaptation of the Chili theme (version 0.5.2) based on my personal preferences and for my personal use.
This means:
- Lato as the default font -> match the font in the session
- Usernames are bolded -> aesthetic preference
- Font hinting is turned off -> hinting distorts typefaces (the alternative may be copy fontconfig from .config into var/lib/sddm/.conf, but I am not sure this works 100%)
- Fontsizes changed to 10pt, the username is 11pt > they seemed too big before
- Action buttons' icon size set to 48px -> they seemed to small
- The height of the password box is slightly reduced -> it was disproportionate with the height of the text in it
- The opacity of unselected action buttons is increased from 60% to 70% -> aesthetic preference
optimized for a 15" FHD screen = it will look too big on a normal screen
Note: the icons have to be changed according to these tips (Manjaro users should change system.svgz in the /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breath/icons
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE for details
Naturally the credit goes to Marian Arlt for providing the base theme.