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20 Mar 17:41
* Update Protocol state, now it holds sock and bolt_version * Refactor Encoder * Review encoding helpers * Mutualize markers * Refactor decoder: At this point encoding / decoding are refactored and works as fine as before * Merge encoding/decoding error into PackStreamError * Bolt V1 types implementation move back to decoder_v1. Bolt V2 types needs to be moved too before driver works fine * Add low level spatial /temporal types encoding * Use module attributes for markers instead of hard-coded ones * Struct element should be decoded in specific bolt version * Implement low level encoding for types added in Bolt V2 * bolt_version is passed from connection to encoding/decoding functions * Clean useless code and tests * bolt_version is mandatory for all encoding / decoding functions + review tests (limit number of assertions per tests for more clarity) * Remove Internals.Utils as it is not really useful * Review (add / delete / make it private) docs * Rationalize doc: expose only public API + README is a default landing page * Bump version * Remove TODO