Ruby Application for matching students in pairs.
- Admins can create new pairs for any date
- Admins see pairs from the past, from today and upcoming pairs.
- Admins can demote or promote other users to student/admin.
- Every student will get matched with someone else every day, until he/she has been paired with everyone.
- Students can see their partner of today and their partners before today.
- Bouncing heads.
- Users - created by Devise. We added:
- admin: boolean
- pair_id: integer
- first_name: string
- last_name: string
- Pairs
- combinations: string, array: true
- Daypairs
- date: date
- pairs: text, array: true
Make sure you have Ruby and Bundler installed.
git clone
cd student-generator
bundle install
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails server
The following gems were used for testing:
- RSpec as the main testing library
- Capybara to simulate how the user interacts
- Factory Girl to generate model instances for testing
- Faker to generate fake data for testing
- Selenium Webdriver to automate the browser
- ChromeDriver to communicate with the browser