Code by Jake Aigner 2024
Note: CCV2 audio playback is not functioning properly atm...
Color space is converted from RGB to YUV.
This allows color data to be reduced without degrading the overall quality-
-which allows for more efficient use of the low bandwidth.
CCV1 and CCI halve the color resolution
CCV2 cuts the color down to 1/6th which allows for 30 more vertical scan-lines.
CCI uses amplitude modulation on the luminance data to deter streaking.
you must create the following dirs inside of your build directory..
Image sequence (001.png 002.png 003.png...) and audio (audio.wav) for CCV and CCV2-
-go inside the "input" dir.
Images for CCI go inside the "image_input" dir (1.png 2.png 3.png...)
Once encoded the signal will be generated as a wav file in the output dir.
This signal can then be recorded to tape.
The signals are designed to work with cassettes but should also work with reel 2 reel or anything-
-else that meets the following requirements:
At least 14kHz frequency response (compact cassettes achieve 15kHz on a decent deck)
2 channels (total separation)
Low amount of wow/flutter
CCV1 vs CCV2:
CCV1 has better color and higher frame-rate.
CCV2 has better resolution and better audio.
CCV1 (compact cassette video):
Input Specs:
PNG Image Sequence (8bit RGB)
85 x 64 pixels (4:3)
12 FPS
Audio: Signed 16bit WAV, 1 or 2 channel, 48 or 44.1 kHz
Actual Specs:
25ish X 64 (note: using a reel2reel or something with higher bandwidth may increase X resolution)
12i Refresh
Audio: 12.2kHz mono
CCV2 (compact cassette video v2):
Input Specs: PNG Image Sequence (8bit RGB) 120 x 90 pixels (4:3) 10 FPS Audio: Signed 16bit WAV, 1 or 2 channel, 48 or 44.1 kHz
Actual Specs: 36ish X 90 (note: using a reel2reel or something with higher bandwidth may increase X resolution) 10i Refresh Audio: 13.6kHz mono
CCI (compact cassette image):
Input Specs:
750w x 500h
8bit RGB
Actual Specs:
100ish x 500 (note: higher bandwidth won't increase quality much since it-
-is limited by signal modulation)
Player Info:
'ESC' to quit 'i' key to toggle signal inversion 'c' key to swap input channels 'e' key to swap byte endian 'r' to refresh screen
Arrows adjust chan 1 and 2 level
'1' = CCV1
'2' = CCV2
'3' = CCI