The goal of this repository is to collect in one place the open-sourcd macroeconomic models, in particular (but not limited to) those used by central banks, ministries of finance and other offical sector agencies.
If you know a model that is not listed here, please open up a pull request here. PRs for corrections are also very welcome.
The table below lists models that were open sourced by official sector entities themselves.
Below are other resources that are worth consulting for their wealth of model code.
- Repository of multiple macroeconomic models designed to enable systematic model comparison.
- The site contains an online comparison tool, in which you can choose amongst many different models (all well-categorised for ease of reference) and compare their outcome in terms of impulse response functions, etc for given shocks.
- Repository of multiple academic macroeconomic models
- Material demonstrating very clearly Bayesian econometric tools that are often employed for macroeconomic models, namely:
- Bayesian vector autorregressions (VAR),
- VAR with time-varying parameters, and
- dynamic factor models