Welcome to the Fluree docs! This readme will detail how to run the docs, raise an issue, and submit changes.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/fluree/developers-site
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start
If you notice any issues on the mark down files please feel free to open an issue on GitHub, contributions are always welcome!
Steps on opening an issue:
Navigate the repository on GitHub
Click on the 'Issues' tab at the top.
Open a new issue, please include a title and description, along with any screenshots or references to a particular page or section.
For errors or issues on a particular page you can also click on the 'Edit this page' link on the bottom of the page. This will open the page in Github, create a new branch and implement your changes then open a PR to be reviewed. As mentioned above include a title and description along with any other useful files.
Before submitting changes run
npm run build
to check for errors during the build process
To connect directly with the Fluree team join our Discord.
Visit our Fluree website.