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A process based Dynamic Vegetation, Dynamic Organic Soil, Terrestrial Ecosystem Model.


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README for dvm-dos-tem

Basic information is provided in this README file. For more details, see the wiki:

The dvm-dos-tem (dvmdostem) is a process based bio-geo-chemical ecosystem model.

There are two primary ways in which you might interact with dvmdostem: performing an extrapolation, or performing a calibration.

When performing an extrapolation the program progresses to completion, typically over one or more spatial locations (multiple cohorts, or grid cells). The outputs are typically analyzed only once the simulation has completed for all time-steps and spatial locations.

Calibrations are performed for a single spatial location (a single cohort or grid cell). For calibration, we currently have two approaches:

  1. manual calibration
  2. machine learning assisted calibration

Most of our tooling was originally developed for the manual approach to calibration, and we have since adapted it to be usable under the guidance of machine learning algorithms.

Under a manual calibration, you will evaluate the simulation as it progresses, pause the simulation to adjust parameters by hand, and then resume the simulation while keeping an eye on the model outputs with respect to the calibration target values.

Our current machine-learning assisted calibration process uses an external software called PEST, which will automatically adjust parameters, and compute a final metric denoting how close the model outputs are to our calibration targets.

There is more information concerning calibration in the calibration/ directory.

Requirements and Dependencies

Main program

The following tools/libraries are necessary in order to compile and run dvm-dos-tem.

Auxillary pre- and post-processing tools

  • Python
  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • pandas
  • netCDF4
  • GDAL Command Line Tools


We (the Spatial Ecology Lab) are maintaining the main fork of dvm-dos-tem on Github:

The dvm-dos-tem program is not distributed as a binary file, so to run the program, you must download the source code and compile it yourself.

  • The master branch will always contain the latest production version of the model.
  • The devel branch will contain recent developments to the code. We try to maintain a stable devel branch: the code merged into devel should always compile and run, and typically has been reviewed by or discussed with several people in the lab.

We are using Github's Pull Requests to manage contributins to the code.

Compiling / Building

You have two options for compling the source code:

  • make (and Makefile)
  • scons (and SConstruct file)

Make is a old, widely availabe, powerful program with a somewhat arcane syntax. The Makefile is not setup for partial-compilation, so editing a single file requires and re-making the project will result in re-compiling every single file. This can be annoyingly slow if you find yourself compiling frequently.

Scons is a build program that is written in Python, and designed to be a easier to use than make. The scons and the SConstruct file are smart enough to do partial builds, so that some changes result in much faster builds.

Both programs can take a flag specifying parallel builds and the number of processors to use (e.g.: -j4) for parallel builds.

This project requires a number of libraries are installed and available on your path. For a complete list, see the install commands in

If you have all the requsite libraries installed and available on your path, then either of these commands should work:

$ make


$ scons

Notes on build environments

There are some helpful scripts provided in the env-setup-scripts/ folder that will set a few environment variables for you for specific systems. For instance on atlas, the correct version of NetCDF is not provided as a system package, but the user tobey has made it available so that you don't have to compile it yourself. You must set an environment variable so that when you compile and run it will look in tobey's directory for the NetCDF library files.

You can either remember to run the setup commands/script each time you logon to the computer where are you are interacting with the model or add a line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile that "sources" the setup script. This makes sure the setup commands are run each time you log on. E.g.

$ vim ~/.bash_profile
# Add a line like this at the end:
source /path/to/your/dvm-dos-tem/env-setup-scripts/

If you are successful getting dvm-dos-tem to compile and run on a different system it would be appreciated if you submit the appropriate setup commands so that other's don't have to spend time figuring out those details.


Running dvmdostem (operating the model) requires 3 types of "input" information:

  1. Driving data (input data)
  2. Parameter values
  3. Configuration options (from command line or config file)

Sample driving data is provided in the DATA/ directory, sample parameters are provided in the parameters/ directory, and sample configuraiton options are provided in the config/ directory. More configuration options are available via options supplied on the command line when starting the program. The --help flag provides some info and shows the defaults:

$ ./dvmdostem -h
  -c [ --cal-mode ]                     Switch for calibration mode. When this 
                                        flag is present, the program will be 
                                        forced to run a single site and with 
                                        '--loop-order=space-major'. The program
                                        will generate yearly and monthly 
                                        '.json' files in your /tmp  directory 
                                        that are intended to be read by other 
                                        programs or scripts.
  --last-n-json arg (=-1)               Only output the json files for the last
                                        N years. -1 indicates to output all 
                                        years. This is useful for running with 
                                        PEST, where we do need the json files 
                                        (and calibration mode), but PEST only 
                                        looks at the last year, so we can save 
                                        a lot of effort and only write out the 
                                        last file. Made this option 
                                        configurable so that we can write out a
                                        number of files, in case we need to do 
                                        some averaging over the last few years 
                                        for PEST.
  -u [ --pid-tag ] arg                  Use the process ID (passed as an 
                                        argmument) to tag the output cal json 
                                        directories. Facilitates parallel runs,
                                        but may make the 
                                        more difficult to work with (must 
                                        pass/set the PID tag so that the 
                               knows where to 
                                        find the json files.)
  -p [ --pr-yrs ] arg (=10)             Number or PRE RUN years to run.
  -e [ --eq-yrs ] arg (=1000)           Number of EQUILIBRIUM years to run.
  -s [ --sp-yrs ] arg (=100)            Number of SPINUP years to run.
  -t [ --tr-yrs ] arg (=0)              Number of TRANSIENT years to run.
  -n [ --sc-yrs ] arg (=0)              Number of SCENARIO years to run.
  -o [ --loop-order ] arg (=space-major)
                                        Which control loop is on the outside: 
                                        'space-major' or 'time-major'. For 
                                        example 'space-major' means 'for each 
                                        cohort, for each year'.
  -f [ --ctrl-file ] arg (=config/config.js)
                                        choose a control file to use
  -l [ --log-level ] arg (=warn)        Control the verbositiy of the console 
                                        log statements. Choose one of the 
                                        following: debug, info, note, warn, 
                                        err, fatal.
  --log-scope arg (=all)                Control the scope of log messages: 
                                        yearly, monthly, or daily. With a 
                                        setting of M (monthly), messages within
                                        the monthly (and yearly) scope will be 
                                        shown, but not messages within the 
                                        daily scope. Values other than 'Y', 
                                        'M', 'D', or 'all' will be ignored. 
                                        Scopes are determined by 'boost log 
                                        named scopes' set within the source 
  -x [ --fpe ]                          Switch for enabling floating point 
                                        exceptions. If present, the program 
                                        will crash when NaN or Inf are 
  -h [ --help ]                         produces helps message, then quits

Viewing model progress and results

Naturally after (or while) running dvmdostem you will want to view the model outputs. Presently the best way to do this is with the program. The calibration viewer is designed to display data that dvmdostem writes to .json files. As evidenced by the name, the was originally written to enable manual calibration of the model, but it is usable for general viewing purposes. The general idea is that as the model runs it will write date out to .json files that are stored in a user-configurable location. Then the program will look for the .json files and display them. See the --help flag for many options availble when using the viewer.


There is a Doxygen file (Doxyfile) included with this project. The current settings are for the Doxygen output to be generated in the docs/dvm-dos-tem/ directory.

The file is setup to build a very comprehensive set of documents, including as many diagrams as possible (call graphs, dependency diagrams, etc). To build the diagrams, Doxygen requires a few extra packages, such as the dot package. This is not available on aeshna, so running Doxygen on aeshna will produce a bunch of errors.


This project is maintained using Git (an open source distributed version control system) and Github (a web service that provides hosting for code projects and has tools and idioms for collaborative working on code-related projects).

This project is maintained using the "Fork and Pull" workflow. For more on git, forking, pulling, etc, see the wiki.

Branching Model

The SEL maintained repository for dvm-dos-tem uses two special branches: "master" and "devel". The master branch is considered the main, stable trunk of the code base. Each commit on the master branch is considered a "stable" release and will have a version number associated with it. The devel branch is used for holding recent developments that are ready to be shared amongst the SEL group, but for whatever the reason are not yet fit for including in the next "version" (release) of the model.

Generally changes are made on topic branches. Then the person who does the change requests that their modification be pulled into the SEL devel branch. Eventually when the group is happy with the devel branch, it is merged into master, creating the next "version" of dvm-dos-tem. This stable master branch is an integration point for other projects, such as the Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Model project.

Coding Style

TODO: add coding style info...why important, standards, makes diffs easier to read etc.

  • line width max 80 chars
  • use spaces instead of tabs
  • documentation: doxygen style comments
  • commit messages...
  • line endings...


This project is using the "Integration Manager" workflow described here. This means that to get started you should first "fork" the project from the repository. This will give you your own dvm-dos-tem repository in your own github account ( Next you will "clone" from your account to your own machine (where ever you perform your coding work). Finally when you have made changes on your own working machine you will "push" those changes back to your fork. If you would like the changes you made to be incorporated into the shared project (, then issue a "pull request" from your github account. This process is described in detail in the Tutorial


A process based Dynamic Vegetation, Dynamic Organic Soil, Terrestrial Ecosystem Model.







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  • C++ 64.9%
  • Jupyter Notebook 16.5%
  • Python 14.6%
  • C 2.2%
  • Shell 1.3%
  • Makefile 0.2%
  • Other 0.3%