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Release v6.0.0

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@usavkov-epam usavkov-epam released this 29 Oct 15:27
· 21 commits to master since this release

6.0.0 (2024-10-29)

Full Changelog

  • Implement common tools to retrieve "Central ordering" settings. Refs UISACQCOMP-182.
  • Add <CustomFieldsFilters> and <CustomFieldsFilter> components. Refs UISACQCOMP-183.
  • Create <RoutingList> component for Routing list table. Refs UISACQCOMP-184.
  • Add functions related to custom fields filter and search functionality. Refs UISACQCOMP-186.
  • BREAKING ECS - Support for location search in the context of multiple consortium affiliations. Refs UISACQCOMP-185.
  • BREAKING ECS - Adjust the locations filter to support cross-tenant search mode. Refs UISACQCOMP-187.
  • Correctly manage state setting in the toggle function of the useToggle hook. Refs UISACQCOMP-189.
  • ECS - Support affiliations select for the inventory field (<ConsortiumFieldInventory>). Refs UISACQCOMP-190.
  • Add Print routing list functionality. Refs UISACQCOMP-191.
  • ECS - Support central ordering in the acq modules. Refs UISACQCOMP-194.
  • ECS - Replace calls to the publish coordinator with new endpoints to retrieve locations and their references. Refs UISACQCOMP-199.
  • Introduce a new flag skipTrimOnChange to control the usage of the trim function during search change in useFilters. Refs UISACQCOMP-198.
  • Add locationLabelId and holdingLabelId to FieldInventory Component. Refs UISACQCOMP-204.
  • Add translation for Unavailable item status message. Refs UISACQCOMP-205.
  • Keep returnUrl in routing list navigation. Refs UISACQCOMP-206.
  • ECS - clear Location/Holding field when affiliation selected. Refs UISACQCOMP-201.
  • ECS - clear Select location filters on change another Affiliation. Refs UISACQCOMP-208.
  • Support using custom list of tenants when open the locations modal. Refs UISACQCOMP-210.
  • ECS - Display all consortium tenants in the affiliation selection of the location lookup. Refs UISACQCOMP-202.
  • ECS - Add isLoading prop for ConsortiumFieldInventory component. Refs UISACQCOMP-215.
  • Add "Amount must be a positive number" validation for "Set exchange rate" field. Refs UISACQCOMP-218.
  • Create common utilities for managing response errors. Refs UISACQCOMP-219.
  • ECS - expand ConsortiumFieldInventory component with additionalAffiliationIds prop to display affiliation name for User without affiliation in specific tenant. Refs UISACQCOMP-220.
  • Change FundFilter component to support multi-selection for Fund codes. Refs UISACQCOMP-221.
  • Use actionDate value for version history card title instead of eventDate. Refs UISACQCOMP-222.
  • ECS - Add reusable custom hooks to fix invalid reference issues related to holding names and locations. Refs UISACQCOMP-223.