Releases: folk-lab/IgorAcq
Final state of IgorAcq at the end of Johann/Will/Raveel April-August 2023 CD.
Notable new .ipf's:
Adding analysis .ipf files (IgorAcq / Analysis)
fitting transition 'fit_transition_util.ipf'
fitting conductance 'fit_conductance_util.ipf'
fitting entropy 'fit_entropy_util.ipf'
Adding entropy specific .ipf files (IgorAcq / Analysis / Entropy)
Notable functionality
Resampling, notch filtering and demodulation available in the scancontroller
Improvements to how 2d graphs are labeled and updated
plotting arbitrary line traces using interpolate_polyline // get_multiple_line_paths_int
arbitrary virtual sweeping on x and y axis. make_virtual_corners // ScanFastDAC2D_virtual
included interlaced functionality to ScanFastDAC2D_virtual
upload waves to experiment udh5
Final state of IgorAcq at the end of Tim/Johann Jan-Mar 2023 CD.
Notable changes:
- Adding interlace and virtual gate sweeping functionality to ScanFastDAC2D and saving relevant information to ScanVars.
- ScanFastDAC2D has been commentated with examples of how to run.
- Some fixes to how 2D graphs are labeled and updated
- config\XLDLoggingSchedules.txt updated
Additional NoteS:
As it stands ScanFastDAC2D only supports virtual gates on the x-axis. However, in the experiment we used a wrapper funtion to call ScanFastDAC2D and pre-calculated the startys and startxs before hand.
The wrapper function will be added into an entropy/scans.ipf after this pull as it would cause issues when we try to load this version of code with our old experiment.
Additionally, other helper functions will be added once they have been tested, useful functions applicable across the group will then be moved into a more general .ipf