Arduino code for controlling cooling water systems
Intended for P1AM-100 PLC style arduino compatible CPU:
by default only 7 interrupt-capable inputs are available, and we need 8. To enable the extra interrupt on pin 3, copy the variant.cpp files in the /corepatch folder over the one included with the P1AM-100 board package.
On my windows install this is located at: C:\Users'user'\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\P1AM-100\hardware\samd\1.6.21\variants\P1AM-100
The other possible location depending on IDE version seems to be:
Libraries Used from Arduino IDE:
ArduinoHttpClient 0.5.0 ArduinoModbus 1.0.8 ArduinoRS485 1.0.5 RTCZero 1.6.0 ArduinoJson 6.21.3 SD 1.2.4 P1AM 1.0.7