Release 20230923
* binutils c8dfe46edf3...296bbb1b85a (3):
> sim: additional fault logs on stdout
> implement kmode paging
> in dumpregs(), also dump core-id, oprating-mode, asid, flags.
* buildroot 8506abf7a8...73e652b646 (1):
> enable tcpdump
* fontamsoc-hw 17a8f69...36551ea (7):
> dev/pi1_dcache: also cachemiss for ldst
> dev/pi1_dcache: simplify signals cacherdy cacheen
> dev/pi1_dcache: clarify cachemiss to PIRDOP_cachemiss
> dev/pi1_dcache: with cmiss_i high, also invalidate any cachehit entry
> implement kmode paging
> clobber memory wherever ldst is used
orangecrab0225.dfu sha256sum:d1a5df48ddd2d055b37e67e78bb48c698859badf44ecae3e7229ce50080844b5
orangecrab0285.dfu sha256sum:1993316086710fad209468dd556e1fa8b4e5c48de146fd08dc768ffe1767d766
nexys4ddr.bit sha256sum:e73d532ebdd59fc1dfaf72e8456638f9b150c287fe1f571be67fbfdb0cafed5f
nexysvideo.bit sha256sum:6627b952552e667d3b92d2d3a82e1455edfb4d9480339bc890c975000f034043
genesys2.bit sha256sum:4a0adb7126f0c0e3de7b45f9365e2b87d19e1b1cd2a563c111f10b7ad850f9fd
* glibc f4e579050b...43d6bca07a (1):
> implement getcontext() makecontext() setcontext() swapcontext()
* linux 8426e0af3607...4b3948814c95 (13):
> panic if cpu is missing mmu
> fix entry.S
> rework mmu_context.h
> rework tlbflush.h
> further consolidate pu32_*() functions to pu32.c
> improve user_mode()
> fix pu32_ret_to_kernelspace()
> improve show_stack()
> fix driver pu32hdd
> implement barrier.h
> drivers/net/slip: prevent D-AlignFault
> use kmode paging
> rework pgd_alloc()