A menu bar app, showing a list of merge requests assigned to a user to review:
Each item in the list is showing following information:
install Hammerspoon - a powerfull automation tool for OS X
Download the latest release, and drag Hammerspoon.app from your Downloads folder to Applications.
brew install hammerspoon --cask
download gitlab-merge-requests.spoon, unzip and double click on a .spoon file. It will be installed under
folder. -
open ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua and add the following snippet, adding your parameters:
-- GitLab
gitlab_host = 'https://gitlab.com',
token = 'your_token',
username = 'gitlab_username'
To generate a token, go to: https://gitlab.com/-/profile/personal_access_tokens, select api scope and type a name.
This app uses icons, to properly display them, install a feather-font by downloading this .ttf font and installing it.