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This project provides an Authorization server that implements authentication based on web3 signatures and authorization on NFT ownership.

The identity is derived from a web3 identity and the granted authorities from the NFT's owned by the web3 identity.

The project is implemented in Java using Springboot framework

Detailed documentation can be found in this article Introducing Web3 to Springboot framework



This module implements the Authorization server and provides the following operations:

GET /authorize
Login page, it opens Metamask to sign a message and sends the signature to web3-authorization-server that redirects to the callback page with a JWT.

POST /token
Receives a signature and returns the JWT with the public key and granted authorities.


Example of API that delegates authentication in the web3-authorization-server


Example of Dapp that implements a smart contract ERC-721.

Setup of web3-authorization-server

# List of NFTs mapped with granted authorities
  - "0x619a83c9368ada9ffb98c3f14b662724dd19e943"
  - "0xc83003b2ad5c3ef3e93cc3ef0a48e84dc8dbd718"

# Host of a node in Blockchain network - It can be a proxy like infura - 
nodeHost: ""

# Chain id of the Blockchain network
chainId: 1337

# Private key of the account that will be used to create the sandbox (if necessary, when the NFTs property is null or empty)
mainAccount: "0x8f2a55949038a9610f50fb23b5883af3b4ecb3c3bb792cbcefbd1542c692be63"

Usage and example

  1. Start a local ethereum node
# From the project directory
$ docker compose up -d
  1. Start the authorization server
# From the project directory
$ mvn clean package
$ java -jar web3-authorization-server/target/web3-authorization-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  1. If there is no NFT mapped for authorization, web3-authorization-server will deploy and setup a sandbox for testing.
    The sandbox is composed of 2 NFT collections and 2 web3 accounts. The address of NFTs and the public and private key of the accounts are published during startup
2022-11-07 11:36:27.252  INFO 8402 --- [main] f.w.s.Web3AuthorizationServerApplication : Started Web3AuthorizationServerApplication in 1.293 seconds (JVM running for 1.488)
==== Deploying Sandbox ====
NFT ("Level-A", "A") deployed with address: 0x594e68f223a390500467346151c9c7e6f9c1faea
Account owning an NFT "Level-A": 0x453a44f092d52700ae6bd33e916e1b1700975b8a:0x34fedc1583a78bc1bd451303dd02d1ff7374c1ae80c2fddc24718b4d7badc1e8
NFT ("Level-B", "B") deployed with address: 0x3a3f94950ca080d49842d4656762c1cfe51e2eeb
Account owning an NFT "Level-B": 0xb81f42739a448c5a52f0298e7cf25fa713dd77ef:0x35b74bd50b4359a6ec955fc13a5837e9c7cae605da309b434bd8bff0c557a5aa
==== Sandbox deployed ====
  1. Open the page http://localhost:9080/authorize to get a JWT

Import to Metamask the private key of the sandbox if necessary


Spring security laying on Web3 identities






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