FrostOS is a terminal-based operating system that runs in your browser. It provides various commands to navigate and interact with the system. Explore the features and functionalities below.
- clear: Clear the terminal screen.
- theme [theme-name]: Change the terminal theme. Available themes: gruvbox (default), dark, light, midnight, celestial, golden, aurora, kde, indigo, space.
- neofetch: Display system information using neofetch.
- search [query]: Search with DuckDuckGo for the specified query.
- cmatrix: Display the "cmatrix" screensaver in the terminal.
- ls: List files and directories in the current directory.
- cd [directory]: Change the current directory.
- cd ../: Go back to the previous directory.
- cat [target]: Display the contents of a file.
- open [target]: Open a specified target (e.g., [folder] cd github | open frostos).
- passwd [new-password]: Change the ROOT password.
- deluser: Delete the root user account from the system.
- echo [message|$SHELL]: Display a message or the path to the default shell.
- calc [expression]: Perform arithmetic calculations.
- nslookup [domain]: Perform a DNS lookup for a domain.
- reboot: Reboot the system.
- whoami: Display current user information.
- hangman: Start a hangman word guessing game.
- guessinggame: Start a number guessing game.
- exit/clear: End the current game or session.
- play [song]: Play a song.
- stop: Stop the currently playing song.
- pause: Pause the currently playing song.
- volume [level]: Adjust the volume of the currently playing song (0.0 - 1.0).
- algysxx
- theendoftheworld
- dazies
- econyalu2008
- takingdrugs
- stylerz04
- handsonthewheel
- yourlove
- yng16
📊 - This project is a part of my portfolio.
💻 - This project was a personal challenge, developed entirely with Vanilla JS.