...make sure you have all the required dependencies installed.
# Linux, macOS or Windows
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
As an argument for the execution of the script you can give both an image or a pdf file where the QR code is contained and clearly visible.
$ python3 gp_decoder.py /path/of/qr/code
⌛ Decoding the QR code you gave me...
👤 This certificate belongs to Mario Rossi, born on 1980-01-01.
🏛️ The certificate has been generated by Ministero della Salute [IT] on 2021-06-02.
🪪 Unique Certificate ID: 1234567890987654321234567890987654321234567890987
💉 Number of doses received: 2 out of 2
📅 Expiration date of the certificate: 2022-06-02
Feel free to help me improve my scripts, by opening issues or making pull requests.
Made by Francesco Peluso