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Merge pull request #1 from frank-e/2019
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frank-e committed Mar 7, 2020
2 parents 065e596 + 357b81a commit 2346218
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Showing 12 changed files with 752 additions and 0 deletions.
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions SendToTinEye.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
@echo off & @rem based on XNT.kex script template version 2016-03-05
setlocal enableextensions & prompt @
if not "%~2" == "" call "%~0" "%*"
if not "%~2" == "" goto DONE & @rem expect one argument
if "%~1" == "" goto HELP & @rem expect one argument
if "%~1" == "?" goto HELP & @rem missing switch char
if "%~1" == "/?" goto HELP & @rem minimal requirement
if "%~1" == "-?" goto HELP & @rem permit DOS SWITCHAR
if exist "%~1\*" goto HELP & @rem bypass subdirectory
:DOIT --------------------------------------------------------------
set NEED=%~1
if not exist "%NEED%" goto NEED
set NEED=sha1sum.exe
for %%x in ("%NEED%") do if not exist "%%~f$PATH:x" goto NEED
set HASH=%NEED% "%~1"
set NEED=win32
rem delims=\ to get rid of odd leading backslash in sha256sum output
for /F "tokens=1 usebackq delims=\ " %%x in (`%HASH%`) do set NEED=%%x
if "%NEED%" == "win32" goto FAIL
set NEED=
echo start %NEED%
start %NEED%
if errorlevel 1 goto NEED
set NEED=timeout.exe
for %%x in ("%NEED%") do if not exist "%%~f$PATH:x" goto WAIT
%NEED% /T 10
goto DONE
:FAIL --------------------------------------------------------------
rem 32bit sha256sum cannot "see" all system32 files on 64bit windows
echo %HASH%
echo Error: %0 got non-zero exit code [%ERRORLEVEL%]
goto WAIT
:NEED --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Error: %0 found no "%NEED%"
:HELP --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Usage: %0 FILE
echo Requires sha1sum.exe in the path to open
echo Maybe create a shell:sendto shortcut to %~nx0.
:WAIT if first CMD line option was /c ------------------------------
set NEED=usebackq tokens=2 delims=/
for /F "%NEED% " %%c in ('%CMDCMDLINE%') do if /I "%%c" == "c" pause
:DONE -------------- (Frank Ellermann, 2016) -----------------------
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions SendToVirusTotal.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
@echo off & @rem based on XNT.kex script template version 2016-03-05
setlocal enableextensions & prompt @
if not "%~2" == "" call "%~0" "%*"
if not "%~2" == "" goto DONE & @rem expect one argument
if "%~1" == "" goto HELP & @rem expect one argument
if "%~1" == "?" goto HELP & @rem missing switch char
if "%~1" == "/?" goto HELP & @rem minimal requirement
if "%~1" == "-?" goto HELP & @rem permit DOS SWITCHAR
if exist "%~1\*" goto HELP & @rem bypass subdirectory
:DOIT --------------------------------------------------------------
set NEED=%~1
if not exist "%NEED%" goto NEED
set NEED=sha256sum.exe
for %%x in ("%NEED%") do if not exist "%%~f$PATH:x" goto NEED
set HASH=%NEED% "%~1"
set NEED=win32
rem delims=\ to get rid of odd leading backslash in sha256sum output
for /F "tokens=1 usebackq delims=\ " %%x in (`%HASH%`) do set NEED=%%x
if "%NEED%" == "win32" goto FAIL
set NEED=
echo start %NEED%
start %NEED%
if errorlevel 1 goto NEED
set NEED=timeout.exe
for %%x in ("%NEED%") do if not exist "%%~f$PATH:x" goto WAIT
%NEED% /T 10
goto DONE
:FAIL --------------------------------------------------------------
rem 32bit sha256sum cannot "see" all system32 files on 64bit windows
echo %HASH%
echo Error: %0 got non-zero exit code [%ERRORLEVEL%]
goto WAIT
:NEED --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Error: %0 found no "%NEED%"
:HELP --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Usage: %0 FILE
echo Requires sha256sum.exe in the path to open
echo Maybe create a shell:sendto shortcut to %~nx0.
:WAIT if first CMD line option was /c ------------------------------
set NEED=usebackq tokens=2 delims=/
for /F "%NEED% " %%c in ('%CMDCMDLINE%') do if /I "%%c" == "c" pause
:DONE -------------- (Frank Ellermann, 2016) -----------------------
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions cdd.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
@echo off & @rem based on XNT.kex script template version 2016-03-05
setlocal enableextensions & prompt @
if not "%~2" == "" call "%~0" "%*"
if not "%~2" == "" goto DONE & @rem expect one argument
if "%~1" == "" goto TEMP & @rem expect one argument
if "%~1" == "?" goto HELP & @rem missing switch char
if "%~1" == "/?" goto HELP & @rem minimal requirement
if "%~1" == "-?" goto HELP & @rem permit DOS SWITCHAR
:DOIT --------------------------------------------------------------
set NEED=%~f1
if not exist "%NEED%" goto NEED
if exist "%~f1\*" cd /D "%~f1\."
if exist "%~f1\*" goto OKAY & @rem valid directory
if exist "%~f1\.." cd /D "%~f1\.."
if exist "%~f1\.." goto OKAY & @rem valid parent
goto NEED
:TEMP --------------------------------------------------------------
if /I "%CD%" == "%SystemRoot%\System32" cd /D "%TEMP%"
:OKAY --------------------------------------------------------------
endlocal & cd /D "%CD%"
goto DONE
:NEED --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Error: %0 found no "%NEED%"
:HELP --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Usage: %0 FILE
echo Switches the current directory to the path of the specified
echo existing FILE or directory. Wildcards (* or ?) are allowed.
echo Maybe create a shell::sendto shortcut (link) for
echo %%COMSPEC%% /k %~dpnx0
:WAIT if first CMD line option was /c ------------------------------
set NEED=usebackq tokens=2 delims=/
for /F "%NEED% " %%c in ('%CMDCMDLINE%') do if /I "%%c" == "c" pause
:DONE -------------- (Frank Ellermann, 2016) -----------------------
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions clippath.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
@echo off & @rem based on XNT.kex script template version 2016-03-05
setlocal enableextensions & prompt @
if not "%~2" == "" call "%~0" "%*"
if not "%~2" == "" goto DONE & @rem expect one argument
if "%~1" == "" goto HELP & @rem expect one argument
if "%~1" == "?" goto HELP & @rem missing switch char
if "%~1" == "/?" goto HELP & @rem minimal requirement
if "%~1" == "-?" goto HELP & @rem permit DOS SWITCHAR
:DOIT --------------------------------------------------------------
set NEED=clip.exe
for %%x in (%NEED%) do if not exist "%%~f$PATH:x" goto NEED
set NEED=%~1
if not exist "%NEED%" goto NEED
echo echo %~f1^|clip.exe
call echo %~f1|clip.exe
if not errorlevel 1 goto DONE
echo Error: %0 got exit code [%ErrorLevel%]
goto WAIT
:NEED --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Error: %0 found no "%NEED%"
:HELP --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Usage: %0 PATH
echo Puts the full path of the given existing PATH into the
echo clipboard with the first found CLIP.EXE, for use in a
echo shell:sendto link.
:WAIT if first CMD line option was /c ------------------------------
set NEED=usebackq tokens=2 delims=/
for /F "%NEED% " %%c in ('%CMDCMDLINE%') do if /I "%%c" == "c" pause
:DONE -------------- (Frank Ellermann, 2016) -----------------------

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions hardlink.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
@echo off & @rem based on XNT.kex script template version 2016-03-05
setlocal enableextensions & prompt @
if not "%~3" == "" call "%~0" "%*"
if not "%~3" == "" goto DONE & @rem up to two arguments
if "%~1" == "" goto HELP & @rem expect one argument
if "%~1" == "?" goto HELP & @rem missing switch char
if "%~1" == "/?" goto HELP & @rem minimal requirement
if "%~1" == "-?" goto HELP & @rem permit DOS SWITCHAR
:DOIT --------------------------------------------------------------
if not exist "%~1\*" set LINK=/H
if exist "%~1\*" set LINK=/D
set NEED=%~f1
if not exist "%NEED%" goto NEED
if "%~2" == "" goto WHAT
set DEST=%~2
if not exist "%DEST%" goto GOOD
if exist "%~2\*" set DEST=%~dp2%~nx1
if not exist "%DEST%" goto GOOD
if exist "%DEST%" goto DEST
:WHAT --------------------------------------------------------------
pushd "%~dp1."
echo SRC=%NEED%
echo CWD=%CD%
set /P DEST=DST=
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%x in ('%DEST%') do set DEST=%%~fx
if "%DEST%" == "" goto UTIL
if exist "%DEST%\*" set DEST=%DEST%\%~nx1
if exist "%DEST%" goto DEST
:GOOD --------------------------------------------------------------
echo mklink %LINK% "%DEST%" "%NEED%"
mklink %LINK% "%DEST%" "%NEED%"
if errorlevel 1 goto DEST
if "%LINK%" == "/D" goto WAIT
:UTIL --------------------------------------------------------------
set NEED=fsutil.exe
for %%x in (%NEED%) do if not exist "%%~f$PATH:x" goto NEED
echo %NEED% hardlink list "%~1"
%NEED% hardlink list "%~1"
goto WAIT
:DEST --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Error: %0 cannot create "%DEST%"
goto HELP
:NEED --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Error: %0 found no "%NEED%"
:HELP --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Usage: %0 FILE [DEST]
echo Shorthand for "mklink /H", determines a missing DEST
echo interactively, suited for a simple shell:sendto link.
echo DEST can be a directory to keep the name of the FILE
echo as is.
:WAIT --------------------------------------------------------------
set NEED=usebackq tokens=2 delims=/
for /F "%NEED% " %%c in ('%CMDCMDLINE%') do if /I "%%c" == "c" pause
:DONE -------------- (Frank Ellermann, 2016) -----------------------
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions makezip.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
@echo off & @rem based on XNT.kex script template version 2016-03-05
setlocal enableextensions & prompt @
if not "%~2" == "" call "%~0" "%*"
if not "%~2" == "" goto DONE & @rem expect one argument
if "%~1" == "" goto HELP & @rem expect one argument
if "%~1" == "?" goto HELP & @rem missing switch char
if "%~1" == "/?" goto HELP & @rem minimal requirement
if "%~1" == "-?" goto HELP & @rem permit DOS SWITCHAR
:DOIT --------------------------------------------------------------
set NEED=%~1
set FILE=%~1
set WORK=nul
set OPTS=-tzip -mx=9 -mfb=255 -mmt=off -mpass=15 --
if not exist "%NEED%" goto NEED
::: PROG=7z.exe or 7za.exe in %ProgramFiles%\7-ZIP or %PATH%
set NEED=7z.exe 7za.exe
set PROG=%ProgramFiles%\7-ZIP;%PATH%
for %%x in (%NEED%) do if exist "%%~f$PROG:x" set PROG=%%~f$PROG:x
if not exist "%PROG%" goto NEED
if exist "%~1\*" goto PDIR
"%PROG%" t -- "%FILE%">nul
if errorlevel 1 goto FAIL
if not "%TEMP%" == "" set TMP=%TEMP%
if not exist "%TMP%\*" set TMP=.
set DEST=%TMP%\%~n1
if exist "%DEST%\*" rmdir /S "%DEST%"
if exist "%DEST%\*" goto DEST
if exist "%DEST%" erase /P "%DEST%"
if exist "%DEST%" goto DEST
set DEST=%~n1.bak
if exist "%DEST%\*" rmdir /S "%DEST%"
if exist "%DEST%\*" goto DEST
if exist "%DEST%" erase /P "%DEST%"
if exist "%DEST%" goto DEST
"%PROG%" x -o"%WORK%" -- "%~1"
if errorlevel 1 goto FAIL
dir /B "%WORK%"|find /I /V "%~n1">nul
if not errorlevel 1 goto PACK & @rem not only %~n1 stuff
dir /B "%WORK%"|find /I /C "%~n1"|find "1">nul
if errorlevel 1 goto PACK & @rem not exactly 1 thing
set NEED=%WORK%\%~n1
if exist "%NEED%\*" goto PACK & @rem only 1 subdirectory
set NEED=%WORK%\%~n1.tar
if not exist "%NEED%" goto PACK & @rem this is no %~n1.tar
set NEED=%WORK%\%~n1
"%PROG%" x -o"%NEED%" -- "%NEED%.tar"
if errorlevel 1 goto FAIL
:PACK --------------------------------------------------------------
if not exist "%NEED%" set NEED=%WORK%
if exist "%DEST%" set FILE=%~dpn1.bak
if exist "%DEST%" ren "%DEST%" "%~n1.bak"
if exist "%DEST%" goto FAIL
"%PROG%" a %OPTS% "%DEST%" "%NEED%"
if errorlevel 1 goto FAIL
echo Ready: %0 created "%DEST%"
for %%x in ("%FILE%") do echo %%~tznxx
for %%x in ("%DEST%") do echo %%~tznxx
del /P "%FILE%"
rmdir /S /Q "%WORK%"
goto DONE
:PDIR --------------------------------------------------------------
if exist "%DEST%" goto DEST
"%PROG%" a %OPTS% "%DEST%" "%~1"
if errorlevel 1 goto FAIL
echo Ready: %0 created "%DEST%"
for %%x in ("%DEST%") do echo %%~tznxx
goto WAIT
:FAIL --------------------------------------------------------------
if errorlevel 1 echo Error: %0 got exit code [%ERRORLEVEL%]
if exist "%WORK%\*" rmdir /S /Q "%WORK%"
goto WAIT
:DEST --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Error: %0 cannot create "%DEST%"
goto WAIT
:NEED --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Error: %0 found no "%NEED%"
:HELP --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Usage: %0 NAME.EXT
echo 1: Use 7z.exe or 7za.exe in %%ProgramFiles%%\7-ZIP or %%PATH%%.
echo 2: If NAME.EXT is a directory pack it into and exit.
echo Otherwise test it with 7-ZIP and exit on error.
echo 3: Get rid of any old %%TEMP%%\NAME (and NAME.bak for step 6).
echo 4: Extract NAME.EXT into %%TEMP%%\NAME.
echo 5: If only %%TEMP%%\NAME\NAME exists goto 6 using NAME\NAME.
echo If only %%TEMP%%\NAME\NAME.tar exists extract it into
echo %%TEMP%%\NAME\NAME and goto 6 using NAME\NAME.
echo 6: If target .\ is the same as source NAME.EXT rename
echo the source to NAME.bak. Undo on error not yet implemented.
echo 7: Pack %%TEMP%%\NAME (or NAME\NAME) in .\ and remove
echo %%TEMP%%\NAME. Offer to delete NAME.EXT (or bak), and exit.
:WAIT if first CMD line option was /c ------------------------------
set NEED=usebackq tokens=2 delims=/
for /F "%NEED% " %%c in ('%CMDCMDLINE%') do if /I "%%c" == "c" pause
:DONE -------------- (Frank Ellermann, 2016) -----------------------
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions p4diff.cmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
@echo off & @rem based on XNT.kex script template version 2016-03-05
setlocal enableextensions & prompt @
if not "%~3" == "" call "%~0" "%*"
if not "%~3" == "" goto DONE & @rem up to two arguments
if "%~1" == "" goto HELP
if "%~1" == "?" goto HELP & @rem missing switch char
if "%~1" == "/?" goto HELP & @rem minimal requirement
if "%~1" == "-?" goto HELP & @rem permit DOS SWITCHAR
if exist "%~1\*" goto HELP & @rem bypass subdirectory
:DOIT --------------------------------------------------------------
set NEED=%ProgramFiles%\Perforce\p4merge.exe
if not exist "%NEED%" goto NEED
set EXEC=start "%~0" /D . "%NEED%"
set NEED=%~f1
if not exist "%NEED%" goto NEED
if "%~2" == "" goto WHAT
set NEED=%~2
set DEST=%~2
if /I "%~f1" == "%~f2" goto DEST
if not exist "%DEST%" goto DEST
if exist "%DEST%" goto GOOD
:WHAT --------------------------------------------------------------
pushd "%~dp1."
echo SRC=%NEED%
echo CWD=%CD%
set /P DEST=DST=
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%x in ('%DEST%') do set DEST=%%~fx
if exist "%DEST%" goto GOOD
if not "%NEED%" == "" goto NEED
if "%NEED%" == "" goto HELP
:GOOD --------------------------------------------------------------
echo %EXEC% "%~f1" "%DEST%"
%EXEC% "%~f1" "%DEST%"
if not errorlevel 1 goto DONE
goto WAIT
:DEST --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Error: %0 cannot create "%DEST%"
goto HELP
:NEED --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Error: %0 found no "%NEED%"
:HELP --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Usage: %0 FILE1 [FILE2]
echo If both paths are given and exist the script starts comparison
echo with %ProgramFiles%\Perforce\P4merge.exe
echo If FILE2 is not given in can be specified manually as relative
echo PATH2 from the directory of the first file. The file name and
echo extension in PATH2 can be omitted if they match PATH1.
:WAIT if first CMD line option was /c ------------------------------
set NEED=usebackq tokens=2 delims=/
for /F "%NEED% " %%c in ('%CMDCMDLINE%') do if /I "%%c" == "c" pause
:DONE -------------- (Frank Ellermann, 2016) -----------------------

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