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F-G Fernandez edited this page Mar 21, 2020 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Torchscan wiki!

Maintainer notes

Release process

  • Create a release on Github
  • Pull the latest version of master
  • Edit locally your with version
  • Then build the wheel and upload to pypi using:
rm -r dist/*
BUILD_VERSION='X.Y.Z' python sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
  • Then build the conda package and upload to anaconda:
conda build purge
conda build purge-all
rm -rf conda-dist/
BUILD_VERSION='X.Y.Z' python sdist
mkdir conda-dist
conda-build ./conda/ -c pytorch --output-folder conda-dist
ls -l conda-dist/noarch/*tar.bz2

anaconda upload conda-dist/noarch/*tar.bz2 -u frgfm
Clone this wiki locally