While reading "Programming Challenges - The Programming Content Training Manual" by Steven S. Skiena and Miguel A. Revilla I was inspired to use the problems in the book as an avenue to learn other programming languages. Traditionally I started as a C# developer and played around with these problems. The entire time I wished there was a place to submit my code in order to verify it against the judge program data. Since the ACM competition only supports C, C++, Java and Pascal it seemed I did not have that option.
Fast forward many years and my employment asked me to being learning Python. For whatever reason I was drawn back to the problems in the Programming Challenges book. Again, I was out of luck for a place to submit my code. This time though I had an idea. Why not create a framework that allows anyone to add in languages and have them checked against the same inputs and outputs.
The goal of this project is, as stated above, is to create a framework that allows a developer to write some code and submit it to an electronic judge that accepts more languages than the standard ACM programming competition rules allow. If this judge were incorporated into a ACM-like programming competition, the intent is to be a back-end automated verification tool, possibly as a fleet.
Developed and Tested using Python 3.6.1 with python submissions
- Clone this repo to your local disk.
- To run the app using the default configuration
python ./extended_uva_judge/server.py
- To run the app using the a custom configuration
cp ./extended_uva_judge/config.yml ~/some/other/location/local.yml
- Make any edits to
using your favorite editor python ./extended_uva_judge/server.py --config=~/some/other/location/local.yml
I'm going to try to document the config.yml inline :-). I suggest keeping a copy
of the default config, exampled as local.yml
above, in a path outside of this
The Post
curl -X POST \
http://localhost:80/api/v1/problem/100/py2/test \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
-F main.py=@main.py
- The request can include the query string
to include the stdout and stderr data.
The Response Object
"code": "AC",
"message": "Accepted",
"stdout": "<Output generated by the users program or run time / compile time error details, optional>",
"stderr": "<Output generated by the users program or run time / compile time error details, optional>",
"description": "<Helpful message on submission errors, optional>"