This is meant to be a simplified version of memcached. This library is also thread-safe meaning that the this implementation supports concurrent access to the cache
src/: Contains examples of using the library. Each of these files utilizes the cache by importing the library and using its functionality within the program
include/: Contians the implemntation of the classes needed for the library
bin/: This is the target directory for the Makefile to place the binaries compiled from src
tests/: Contains unit tests for the classes along with a script to collect useful time statistics when using the cache while calculating fibonacci numbers (see '')
// Declaring a HTCache object in code
HTCache<int64_t, bool> cache(addrelen, pagesize, policy, handler)
The above maps int64_t to bool value. The following describes the variables:
- addrlen = address space in terms of number of bits
- pagesize = size of each page in terms of number of entries
- eviction = eviction policy (FIFO, Random, LRU, Clock)
- handler = function to call when requested item is missing from cache
// Storing key-value
cache.put(key, value);
// Retrieve value from key