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Various UIImage utility methods to ease integration with media frameworks


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Collection of UIImage utility methods to ease integration with media frameworks.

  • iOS 13.0, macOS 10.15
  • Swift 5.2

Use Xcode's built-in Swift Package Manager:

  • Open Xcode
  • Click File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency
  • Paste package repository and press return
  • Configure dependency version settings
  • Import module to any file using import UIImageExtensions
import UIKit
import UIImageExcensions

// obtain some UIImage instance
let myImage: UIImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "MyImage")

Copies image data to CVPixelBuffer.

// func toPixelBuffer() -> CVPixelBuffer?

let buffer: CVPixelBuffer? = myImage.toPixelBuffer()

And back from CVPixelBuffer to UIImage. Provide optional orientation parameter to rotate image.

// func toImage(orientation: CGImagePropertyOrientation = .up) -> UIImage?

let backToImage: UIImage? = buffer?.toImage(orientation: .left)

Actually wraps CVPixelBuffer to CMSampleBuffer with additional sample timing information.

With provided frameIndex and framesPerSecond the following timing rules apply:

  • Sample duration (seconds): 1 / framesPerSecond
  • Sample start time: frameIndex / framesPerSecond

Assuming that timing starts from zero.

// func toSampleBuffer(frameIndex: Int = 0, framesPerSecond: Double = 24) -> CMSampleBuffer?

let buffer: CMSampleBuffer? = myImage.toSampleBuffer(frameIndex: 1, framesPerSecond: 24)

Convenience static initializer to get UIImage instance right from Base64 encoded string.

// static func fromBase64String(_ base64String: String) -> UIImage?

let decodedImage: UIImage? = UIImage.fromBase64String("...")

And property containing Base64 string of a UIImage instance.

// var base64String: String?

let imageAsString: String? = myImage.base64String