In here I provide some simple solutions for consuming the ING Bank Showcase API, see The Showcase API is a production API for which authentication is required (two-legged oauth with client_credentials).
The following prerequisites apply:
- register at ING Developer Portal
- create an app in the developer portal and apply the Showcase API to it
- note the client-id in the developer portal
- create keypairs and certificates and upload the latter to the portal: there should be one for mutual TLS connection and a different one for signing on message level
- Either in the Spring or Vertx application, change the configuration to reflect your client-id and the paths to your certificates and keys
Once all is set, you can run the application in here.
Included are the following different solutions:
- Spring Boot (kotlin)
- Vert.x (kotlin)
- Ktor (kotlin)
- Vanilla Java 12 (uses the httpclient that was introduced in Java 11)
All these applications are as autonomous as possible.
All contain a main
function so that they can be run from the command line or directly from any IDE.
You can use the following openssl command:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pem
But I have also provided a simple Kotlin script that does the same:
kotlinc -script gen-keys-and-certificates.kts
Note: it works with jdk 8, but not with 9 or higher. On Mac you may run it as follows:
kotlinc -script gen-keys-and-certificates.kts -jdk-home `/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
It will create files for both the TLS connection as well as the Signing part.
$ kotlinc -script ../gen-keys-and-certificates.kts -jdk-home `/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
Creating keys and certificates for Signing and TLS connection..
Created key-sign.pem
Created cert-sign.pem
Created keystore-sign.p12
Created key-tls.pem
Created cert-tls.pem
Created keystore-tls.p12