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Document Structure for Exercise

Arun Isaac edited this page May 27, 2015 · 1 revision

Every exercise in the lab manuals must have its own chapter with the following general structure.


The objective of the exercise should be clearly specified in the imperative. For example, do not say "To write a program to illustrate the race condition". Instead, say "Write a program to illustrate the race condition".

Do not use any headings such as "Aim" or "Objective" for this section.


This section should be titled "Explanation".

It must give a brief background/explanation of the subject of the exercise. Any algorithm used in the program should be explained in this section. Figures can also be used as necessary to supplement the explanations. Use only vector formats. Encapsulated PostScript (eps) is preferred.


This section should be titled "Code".

This section should contain the program source code included using the listings package. The source code should be maintained in its own file, and must not be directly inserted into the tex file. Following the code, should be a line by line explanation of the code.


This section should be titled "Output".

This section should contain the sequence of commands to execute the code, and a sample of the output. For command line output, the output in text form will do. Avoid using terminal emulator screenshots.

For some exercises involving graphical output (for example, OpenGL programs), screenshots may be necessary. In such cases, the following guidelines apply:

  • Take care to get a high resolution screenshot. This is so that the screenshot does not look badly pixelated in print.
  • Take a screenshot only of the window, and not the whole desktop.
  • Try to sanitize whatever is visible on the screen as much as possible. For example, do not leave personal usernames and home folders hanging around in the output.
  • Do not leave mouse pointers in the screenshot.
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