This module creates a relay that allows you to route all captured Fullstory traffic from your users’ browser directly through your own domain. More information on the philosophy and script configuration can be found in this KB article.
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 1.0 |
aws | >= 4.59.0 |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
acm_certificate_arn | (optional) The ARN of the ACM certificate to be used for the relay. If omitted, a value for route53_zone_name must be provided. Defaults to null. |
string |
null |
no |
cloudfront_origin_request_policy_name | (optional) A name to uniquely identify the cloudfront origin request policy for the relay. This is required to deploy multiple relay modules to the same AWS account, as such policies must be uniquely named. Example: fullstory-relay-origin-request-policy-production . |
string |
"fullstory-relay-origin-request-policy" |
no |
relay_fqdn | The fully qualified domain name for the relay. Example: . |
string |
n/a | yes |
route53_zone_name | (optional) The Route 53 zone name for placing the DNS CNAME record. If omitted, a value for acm_certificate_arn must be provided. Defaults to null. |
string |
null |
no |
target_fqdn | (optional) The fully qualified domain name that the relay targets. Defaults to . |
string |
"" |
no |
Name | Description |
relay_distribution_domain_name | The domain name of the relay CloudFront distribution. |
This module will automatically create the DNS records if a value for route53_zone_name
is provided in reference to an existing Route 53 zone within the same AWS account.
module "fullstory_relay" {
source = "fullstorydev/fullstory-cloud-relay/aws"
relay_fqdn = ""
route53_zone_name = ""
⚠️ Note: CloudFront Distributions can take 10-15 minutes to become active after creation.
By default, the module will not create a DNS record in Route 53 or certificate in ACM.
A certificate must be created and validated before the relay can be created. This can be done manually or via Terraform (example below).
resource "aws_acm_certificate" "fullstory_relay" {
domain_name = ""
validation_method = "DNS"
output "relay_cert_dns_validation" {
description = "The information required to create a DNS validation record."
value = {
for dvo in aws_acm_certificate.fullstory_relay.domain_validation_options : dvo.domain_name => {
name = dvo.resource_record_name
record = dvo.resource_record_value
type = dvo.resource_record_type
Once the certificate is created, it must be validated before it can be used. The DNS validation information can be extracted from the Terraform state using the command below.
terraform output relay_cert_dns_validation
Create a DNS validation CNAME
record that routes the relay_cert_dns_validation.<relay_fqdn>.name
to the relay_cert_dns_validation.<relay_fqdn>.record
Once the DNS record has been created, the certificate can take up to 15 minutes to become active. The status can be checked using the command below.
aws acm list-certificates --query "CertificateSummaryList[?DomainName=='<relay_fqdn>'].Status"
Now that the certificate has been created and is active, the ARN can be passed into the module as seen below.
module "fullstory_relay" {
source = "fullstorydev/fullstory-cloud-relay/aws"
relay_fqdn = ""
acm_certificate_arn = aws_acm_certificate.fullstory_relay.arn
output "relay_distribution_domain_name" {
value = module.fullstory_relay.relay_distribution_domain_name
Once the resources have been successfully created, the final step is to create the CNAME of the CloudFront distribution which can be extracted from the Terraform state using the command below.
terraform output relay_distribution_domain_name
Create a CNAME
DNS record that routes the relay_fqdn
to the relay_distribution_domain_name
found in the previous command.
module "fullstory_relay" {
source = "fullstorydev/fullstory-cloud-relay/aws"
relay_fqdn = ""
target_fqdn = ""
Once an instance of the Fullstory Relay has been successfully created, the health endpoint at https://<relay_fqdn>/healthz
should return a 200 OK
Name | Type |
aws_acm_certificate.fullstory_relay | resource |
aws_acm_certificate_validation.fullstory_relay | resource |
aws_cloudfront_distribution.fullstory_relay | resource |
aws_cloudfront_origin_request_policy.fullstory_relay | resource |
aws_route53_record.fullstory_relay | resource |
aws_route53_record.fullstory_relay_dns_validation | resource |
aws_arn.fullstory_relay | data source |
aws_cloudfront_cache_policy.caching_disabled | data source |
aws_cloudfront_cache_policy.caching_optimized | data source |
aws_cloudfront_response_headers_policy.cors | data source |
aws_route53_zone.fullstory_relay | data source |
This module includes a troubleshooting endpoint that can be used to debug any communications issues. The endpoint can be found out https://<relay_fqdn>/echo
and returns the headers of the request.
See for best practices and instructions on setting up your dev environment.