R.FURBECK 8.18.2020 STAT 850UNL
This assignment assumes you have R, RStudio, and git installed successfully and that all of the programs are working together correctly.
Clone this repository in RStudio, following the steps (starting from step 2) in this section of Happy Git with R. CHECK
Add README.md to your repository if it is not already there. Make some change to README.md and commit your changes. CHECK
Create a text file in RStudio and name it "Introduction". Write a couple of paragraphs introducing yourself to the class and describing your interests, computing experience, and/or other hobbies.
Add Introduction to your repository (git add, or use the graphical interface).
Commit your changes to your local git repository (e.g. the git repo on your machine)
Use the push button to push your commits to the GitHub remote copy of your repository.
Go to GitHub and see that your changes have appeared. You should have (at least) 2 commits to your repository - one adding or modifying README.md, another adding Introduction.