Automating all link shorteners with literally 0 detection mechanism with the use of selenium and some own scripts and AI to bypass captchas
- more coming soon
For now i developed it only for ouo will soon develop for other link shortener services
Disclaimer: This has been developed for educational purposes only. Any action you take using this script is strictly at your own risk. I will not be liable for any losses or damages you face using this script.
Cons: No corns at all.
Consider a donation to keep this project alive and for the countless hours of works and testing :)
Bitcoin : 14GSZ1293s65JjytCjZMz3AFNSUa4ZVN2V
XMR : 42GyVekn3tufQjYQS9iN79g9MhzfLDgiu3HVAifDfNuW8MA2bi2UPagXo5ZPzA8rupERybjWsMv5HP7azinFbBxcFf9FW86
UPI : furjack@ybl
New Update
Free Proxy
Premium Proxy
Rotating Proxy
Binary Release
Linux / Mac
- Python 3.9+
- High speed Internet Connection
- Google Chrome installed on your OS (not Chromium)
- Link shortener earning increase
- Cpm rate increase drastically
- Multithreaded and Dynamic thread support
- Auto download updated chrome driver whenever user's Google Chrome version is updated
- Patch chrome driver on the start and with 0 detections
- Proxy support
- premium proxy is a must
- rotating proxy support is good but only premium
- chrome v80+ randomized user agent based on platform
- canvas,audio,font,webgl fingerprint defender and IP leak prevent by webrtc control [coming soon]
- geolocation, timezone, referer spoofing [coming soon]
- modify text files on the fly without restarting program
- First, install the script following any one of these
- Then put your shoretener links in the text file file
- Run and follow the instructions on screen.
Make sure you use only premium proxy if any suggestions or upgrade in code plz make sure to open issue or contribute Use of premium proxy is must and dont even try to use freemium it will lead into an premanent account ban on shorterner services
Ohh hell nah this is prohibited
Make sure you buy a auto replacement if you can while buying proxy so it can help it make seem more real devices
And this is what I use personally if have any suggestion let me know in issues or contribute
Put all link in urls.txt and copy path of the text file and add it in the software using the path
For Now ill be focusing only on development of the code ill soon release the binary release
First, make sure you have installed git and Python version between 3.9+
Open command prompt and type
git clone --depth 10
cd FG_Money-Glitch
python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt
- if you think there are chromedriver still open by mistake and not closed completely run the command below
taskkill /f /im chrome.exe
- Open command prompt inFG_Money Glitch folder and run
- Rest is self explanatory.
- Open command prompt inFG_Money Glitch folder and run
For now developped to be used in windows give a pull request for other OS
To get the most out of this script you should maintain these things.
- In a nutshell, you need Rotating proxies to get the best result. Nothing else
- make sure you dont add too many threads or its gonna not load and quit itself if anyone can fix do a pull request
- if you can change some things in fake_useragent module for the best result
Thanks and plz donate to keep this project up and running