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A lightweight calendar component for FusionCharts.


Steps to use fc-calendar

  1. Clone the repository.
    git clone
    cd fc-calendar
  2. Checkout to master branch
    git checkout master
  3. Install dependencies
    npm install
  4. Create a build
    npm run build
  5. Use the build files from dist folder.


fc-calendar can be imported directly from the build files and then can be instantiated.

import Calendar from 'dist/fc-calendar';

var calendar = new Calendar({
    // configurations. see next section


fc-calendar takes different configurations to allow users to modify/customize the calendar to their needs.

  1. selectedDate: An object containing year, month and day depicting the current date. Months are 1-indexed.
    selectedDate: {
        day: 18,
        month: 1,
        year: 2019
  2. rangeStart: Denotes a starting date. All the dates before this date will be disabled.
    rangeStart: {
        day: 1,
        month: 1,
        year: 2017
  3. rangeEnd: Denotes a ending date. All the dates after this date will be disabled.
    rangeEnd: {
        day: 31,
        month: 12,
        year: 2020
  4. weekLabel: An array containing 7 strings which are shown as days of week.
    // show only initial character
    weekLabel: ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S',]
    // show first three characters
    weekLabel: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']
  5. events: Users have the option to listen to date change, month change and year change. The events property takes an object containing some or all of the following property.
    • onDateChange
    • onMonthChange
    • onYearChange
    events: {
        onDateChange: function (date) {
            // do something. date in parameter is the new date
        onMonthChange: function (date) {
            // do something.
        onYearChange: function (date) {
            // do something.
  6. container: The parent container in which the calendar will be appended in DOM. It takes HTML div element only.
    container: <div></div>
  7. posX: The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of calendar inside the container div.
  8. posY: The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of calendar inside the container div.



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