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Weather App

General information

This repository holds a weather app. 🌤️

It was developed with React Native, React Query, Typescript and Styled Components! 🚀

You can run the app executing npm run android or npm run ios

Coding details

  • Reusable components were created. They are located in src/components.
  • Typographic reusable components are located in src/components/typography.
  • A color palette and spacers values were created inside of src/theme and shared through a <ThemeProvider /> to all Styled Components.
  • WebP image support was added to reduce app weight, as WebP images are lighter compared to PNG, JPG, JPEG and GIF formats.
  • To handle vertical spaces, a reusable <Spacer /> component was created.
  • <Snackbar /> component was used to inform when there is no connection to internet, and when the connection is re-established.
  • MMKV Storage was used to implement the offline-first feature. The last API fetched data is always saved to the storage and if the internet connection is lost, the app reads the weather data from the async storage.
  • Unit tests were created under a __tests__ folder across the entire app.
  • A custom weather app icon was created for both android and ios S.O.
  • The library Gifted Charts was used to draw temperature values inside of CityWeather screen
  • Dates were formatted with the library date-fns
  • A custom Splash screen was created for both android and ios S.O.
  • API requests are handled by react query which offers among other things: cache capabilities and error, isLoading and isRefetching states. Cache is being used so that the query returned value is cached by react query.
  • An Empty state screen was created to show when there is an API request error.
  • A custom default image was used for the city images when the internet connection is lost and untill the image is fetched from the internet.
  • A Loading component was created with a lottie animation. It is rendered when the app is waiting for the API data.
  • Custom hooks were created for both screens to handle logic, separate concerns and improve code legibility.


App with internet connection (online)


App without internet connection (offline)
