A demonstration of TypeScript 4.1's Recursive Conditional Types that encodes Peano numbers and arithmetic on a type level.
// Peano numbers
type Zero = "Zero";
type Succ<N> = { succ: N; };
// Aliases for convenience
type One = Succ<Zero>;
type Two = Succ<One>;
// Addition
type Add<N, M> = N extends Succ<infer Nminus1>
? Succ<Add<Nminus1, M>>
: M;
function proveExtends<T1, T2 extends T1>() {}
// Example: Only type-checks if 1 + 1 = 2
proveExtends<Add<One, One>, Two>();
// Lists
type Nil = "Nil";
type Cons<X, Xs> = { x: X, xs: Xs };
// Aliases for convenience
type List1<X> = Cons<X, Nil>;
type List2<X, Y> = Cons<X, List1<Y>>;
type List3<X, Y, Z> = Cons<X, List2<Y, Z>>;
// Concatenation
type Append<Xs, Ys> = Xs extends Cons<infer X, infer Rs>
? Cons<X, Append<Rs, Ys>>
: Ys;
function proveExtends<T1, T2 extends T1>() {}
// Example: Only type-checks if [1] + [2, 3] = [1, 2, 3]
Append<List1<1>, List2<2, 3>>,
List3<1, 2, 3>