Releases: gabors-data-analysis/da_case_studies
v0.8.3-pre-release "Ethics Gradient"
Date: 25 November, 2022
Minor changes, refactoring
- plot fixes
- code quality improvements, refactoring
- edit some ML codes
- add SHAP to RF codes
- edits re fixest + marginaleffects
- no change
v0.8.2-pre-release "Very Little Gravitas Indeed"
Date: 2022-03-21
Several minor upgrades, corrections of bugs. Some valuable change though, so may worth update.
There are substantive changes to the R version.
- Modelsummary introduced for descriptive tables
- Fixest introduced for regressions.
Mostly minor changes
- correct ROC curve graph
- change random forest from
- becuase sklearn did not run properly on Windows - Minor edits to
react to changes innumpy
just cosmetic change
v0.8.1-pre-release "Sweet and Full of Grace"
This is a minor update with mostly bug fixes vs v0.8.0
Important changes
- ch06B new short case study now separate
- R: modelsummary introduced for summary stats, small edits, error fixes.
- R: renv cleaned up.
- Python: minor changes
v0.8.0-pre-release "What Are The Civilian Applications?"
v0.8.0-pre-release "What Are The Civilian Applications?"
v0.8.0-pre-release "What Are The Civilian Applications?" is a heavily revised update, now including most scripts in Python.
Key novelties
- There are a few missing bits, and bugs, but should mostly work.
- Environments added for R, Python.
- Tested on Windows and Mac.
- There will be additional bug fixes, edits, next update is expected late summer/early Fall.
Language specific issues
- R -- All code ready. Used for graphs in textbook. An environment with all libraries necessary, as renv is now available.
- Stata -- All code ready. In the lack of native machine learning capabilities, no code for chapters 15,16,17, some limitations for chapter 18. This shall change, once we test the new python link-ups. Only planned for version v1.1.0 expected late 2021.
- Python -- Almost all codes are ready. Moderate differences to book and R are in ch14-ch17, some additional checks planned. An environment with all libraries necessary, as pipenv is now available.
v0.7.2-pre-release "Limiting Factor"
- Small changes to ch18 Stata and R.
- Python improved ch01-ch11
- Python
pip install requirements.txt
added. - Half-baked python code moved to
branch till ready
v0.7.1-pre-release "Little Rascal"
Minor bug corrections, edits since v0.7.0; mostly chapters 19-24 + new python for ch02.
v0.7.0-pre-release "Clear Air Turbulence"
Second pre-release. R, Stata mostly ready and checked, with some minor edits from v0.6.0
Python is now available for many but not all case studies, and handle with care.
v0.6.0-pre-release "Nervous Energy"
This is the release that points to the status when switching to public.
R, Stata mostly ready and checked. Python ch01-10 ready, Ch11-12 close.