All of us know how boring is do the same format to School/University works all time.
This program is the solution of your problems. Does it automatically.
Python 3 to run the program
PyIP to install the docx lib
pip install python-docx
1 - Download the files
2 - Open the file config.json
3 - Edit with your informations (put 0/1 to desactivate/activate some pages)
"institution": "Escola Blablabla",
"yourname": "Joãozinho Silva Santos",
"title": "Título do trabalho",
"titlelines": 1,
"subtitle": "Subtítulo aqui",
"city": "São Paulo - SP",
"year": "2022",
"notetext": "Estudo de Caso apresentado à Escola Blablabla, como parte dos requisitos necessários ao blablabla do componente curricular de Blablabla.",
"notelines": 4,
"advisor": "Zezinho Silva Santos",
"dedicatory": 0,
"thanks": 0,
"epigraph": 0,
"resume": 1,
"abstract": 1,
"summary": 1
4 - Run the script
That's it! Just open the demo.docx
file to view your new formatted document.