Code written for some assignments made as part of my Master studies at TU Eindhoven between September 2018 and July 2020.
The notebook "Multi-Layer Perceptron" contains the code developed for creating a MLP Neural Network manually without the use of libraries. It is a good exercise for understanding how a MLP works step by step and improve one's intuition on what this algorithm does.
The code was written by myself as partial fulfillment for the course Foundations of Data Mining at TU Eindhoven.
Contains code written for assigments for the course Deep Learning and Recommender Systems in TU Einhdhoven. Most of the work is related to Convolutional Neural Networks.
In this notebooks, some CNN are trained with the purpose of Image classification.
In this notebook we first use the last layer of a CNN to extract image features and then use KNN for determining the most similar images to any given image. Later, AutoEncoders are trained with the purpose of denoising noisy images.
In this notebook, Siamese Networks are trained for the purpose of determining whether any two given images belong to the same class or not.