The goal of gathertweet is to provide a simple command line utility that wraps key functions from rtweet.
The magic of gathertweet is that it grants you the power to quickly set up twitter monitoring and tweet gathering while saving you from the pain of writing a bunch of boilerplate code to
- save new tweets without losing previously collected tweets,
- join multiple searches,
- update tweet stats,
- simplify stored tweets,
- schedule easily with cron,
- and more…
gathertweet is a thin wrapper around rtweet, the excellent R interface to Twitter written by Mike Kearney. If you use gathertweet, please ensure that you cite rtweet directly.
> citation("rtweet")
To cite rtweet use:
Kearney, M. W. (2018). rtweet: Collecting Twitter Data. R
package version 0.6.7 Retrieved from
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {rtweet: Collecting Twitter Data},
author = {Michael W. Kearney},
year = {2018},
note = {R package version 0.6.7},
url = {},
This is a work in progress and may not work well for you yet. But you are welcome to install gathertweet and try it out.
# install.packages("remotes")
Once you’ve installed the package, you need to run
which adds gathertweet
to /usr/local/bin
as a symlink (you can
adjust where this link is created in install_gathertweet()
). If you
need admin rights to install, try
sudo Rscript -e "gathertweet::install_gathertweet()"
from the command line.
Create a directory to store tweets
mkdir rstats
cd rstats
Get 100 #rstats tweets
> gathertweet search --n 100 --quiet "#rstats"
INFO [2019-05-06 21:56:27] ---- gathertweet search start ----
INFO [2019-05-06 21:56:27] Searching for "#rstats"
INFO [2019-05-06 21:56:28] Gathered 98 tweets
INFO [2019-05-06 21:56:28] Total of 98 tweets in tweets.rds
INFO [2019-05-06 21:56:28] ---- gathertweet search complete ----
Get more tweets, automatically starting from end of the last search
> gathertweet search --n 100 --quiet "#rstats"
INFO [2019-05-06 21:57:29] ---- gathertweet search start ----
INFO [2019-05-06 21:57:29] Searching for "#rstats"
INFO [2019-05-06 21:57:29] Tweets from 1125579895403352064
INFO [2019-05-06 21:57:29] No new tweets.
Update the stored data about those #rstats tweets
> gathertweet update
INFO [2019-05-06 21:57:30] ---- gathertweet update start ----
INFO [2019-05-06 21:57:30] Updating tweets in tweets.rds
INFO [2019-05-06 21:57:30] Getting 98 tweets
INFO [2019-05-06 21:57:31] ---- gathertweet update complete ----
> ls -lh
total 40K
-rw-rw-r-- 1 garrick garrick 39K May 6 21:57 tweets.rds
Gather user timelines
> gathertweet timeline hadleywickham jennybryan dataandme
INFO [2019-05-06 21:57:32] ---- gathertweet timeline start ----
INFO [2019-05-06 21:57:32] Gathering tweets by hadleywickham, jennybryan, dataandme
WARN [2019-05-06 21:57:32] Twitter API for timelines returns a maximum of 3200 tweets per user
INFO [2019-05-06 21:58:01] Gathered 7427 tweets from 3 users
INFO [2019-05-06 21:58:02] Total of 7524 tweets in tweets.rds
INFO [2019-05-06 21:58:02] ---- gathertweet timeline complete ----
The primary use case of gathertweet is to make it easy to set up
cron to periodically gather
tweets. Here’s a simple example to download all tweets matching the
search term rstats OR tidyverse
every night at midnight. The tweets
are stored, by default, in tweets.rds
in ~/rstats-tweets
crontab -e
# m h dom mon dow command
0 0 * * * (cd ~/rstats-tweets && ~/bin/gathertweet search --polite 'rstats OR tidyverse' >>gathertweet.log)
> gathertweet --help
Gather tweets from the command line
gathertweet search [--file=<file>] [options] [--] <terms>...
gathertweet timeline [options] [--] <users>...
gathertweet update [--file=<file> --and-simplify --polite --debug-args --token=<token> --backup --backup-dir=<dir>]
gathertweet simplify [--file=<file> --output=<output> --debug-args --polite] [<fields>...]
-h --help Show this screen.
--file <file> Name of RDS file where tweets are stored
[default: tweets.rds]
--no-parse Disable parsing of the results
--token <token> See {rtweet} for more information
--retryonratelimit Wait and retry when rate limited (only relevant when n
exceeds 18000 tweets)
--quiet Disable printing of {rtweet} processing messages
--polite Only allow one process (search|update) to run at a time
--backup Create a backup of existing tweet file
--backup-dir <dir> Location for backups [default: backups]
--debug-args Debug input arguments
--and-simplify Create additional simplified tweet set.
Run `gathertweet simplify` manually for more control.
<terms> Search terms. Individual search terms are queried separately,
but duplicated tweets are removed from the stored results.
Each search term counts against the 15 minute rate limit of 180
searches, which can be avoided by manually joining search terms
into a single query. NOTE: Wrap queries with spaces in
'single quotes': only use double quotes within single quotes.
--type <type> Type of search results: "recent", "mixed", or "popular"
[default: recent]
--geocode <geocode> Geographical limiter of the template
--since_id <since_id> Return results with an ID greather than (newer than) or
equal to since_id, automatically extracted from the
existing tweets <file>, if it exists, and ignored when
<max_id> is set. Use "none" for all available tweets,
or "last" for the maximum seen status_id in existing
tweets. [default: last]
search and timeline:
-n, --n <n> Number of tweets to return [default: 18000]
--include_rts Logical indicating whether retweets should be included
(default is to exclude RTs)
--max_id <max_id> Return tweets with an ID less (older) than or equal to
<users> A list of users as user names, IDs, or a mixture of both,
separated by spaces.
--home If included, returns home-timeline instead of user-timeline.
<fields> Tweet fields that should be included. By default includes:
`status_id`, `created_at`, `user_id`, `screen_name`, `text`,
`favorite_count`, `retweet_count`, `is_quote`, `hashtags`,
`mentions_screen_name`, `profile_url`, `profile_image_url`,
`media_url`, `urls_url`, `urls_expanded_url`.
--output <output> Output file, default is input file with `_simplified`
appended to name.