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<title>BioMed Central TeX template files</title>
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<h1>BioMed Central TeX template - Version 0.6 (April 15<sup>th</sup> 2015)</h1>
<h2>1 BioMed Central LaTeX template distribution</h2>
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
    <td valign=top>
    <td valign=top>
      <p>The BioMed Central manuscript template. Edit a copy of this file.</p>
    <td valign=top>
    <td valign=top>
      <p>PDF created from The BioMed Central manuscript template.</p>
    <td valign=top>
    <td valign=top>
      <p>Two column layout PDF created from The BioMed Central manuscript template.</p>
    <td valign=top>
    <td valign=top>
      <p>A sample BibTeX bibliography file used to create a <tt>.bbl</tt> by BibTeX
      using the <tt>bmc-mathphys.bst</tt> file.</p>
    <td valign=top>
    <td valign=top>
      <p>A sample bibliography file created by BibTeX using the <tt>bmc-mathphys.bst</tt> file.</p>
    <td valign=top>
    <td valign=top>
      <p>The BibTeX bibliography style file for the BioMed Central reference format</p>
    <td valign=top>
    <td valign=top>
      <p>The BibTeX bibliography style file for the Springer Basic reference format</p>
    <td valign=top>
    <td valign=top>
      <p>The BibTeX bibliography style file for the Vancouver reference format</p>
    <td valign=top>
    <td valign=top>
      <p>Page layout style class for for manuscripts.</p>
    <td valign=top>
    <td valign=top>
      <p>Style for bibliography tags.</p>
    <td valign=top>
    <td valign=top>
      <p>This document.</p>
<h2>2 Requirements</h2>
<p>The BioMed Central TeX template
  should work with TeX distributions on any platform - it has been tested with
  <a href="">TeXShop</a> on Mac OS
  X and <a href="">MiKTeX</a> for Windows.</p>
<p>In order to submit a manuscript
as a <tt>.tex</tt> file to BioMed Central, you <i>must</i></p>
<ul type=disc>
  <li>use the BioMed Central template</li>
  <li>format your references with BibTeX using
    the </span><tt>bmc-mathphys.bst</tt> style file</li>
  <li>not rely on any non-standard macros,
    classes or files</li>
<p>If your TeX manuscript does not
  meet the criteria above it will need to be converted to DVI format prior to
<h2>3 Guidelines for creating your manuscript using TeX</h2>
<p>Follow the guidelines in the BioMed Central instructions
  for authors given at <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p>Make sure your manuscript is compiled with LaTeX2e by using <tt>\documentclass{...}</tt> and not <tt>\documentstyle{...}</tt>
  in the preamble at the top of your <tt>.tex </tt> document.</p>
<p>A template manuscript is supplied entitled <tt>bmc_article.tex</tt> which
  sets up the preferred page layout based on the standard <tt>article.cls</tt>. Additional styles can be achieved by
  <tt>\documenclass</tt> options: <i>doublespacing</i> - for double spaced text, <i>linenumbers</i> - for the line numbers on margins,
  <i>twocolumn</i> - for twocolumn layout. Please note that for twocolumn layout <tt>\end{fmbox}</tt> position is different,
  comment one after <tt>\end{artnotes}</tt> environment and uncomment one after <tt>\end{abstractbox}</tt> environment.</p>
<p>Make sure that you only a single <tt>.tex </tt> document
  for the entire manuscript, as you will need to upload it as a single file (together
  with its associated formatted bibliography file). Do not use the <tt>\input</tt> command
  to include other <tt>.tex</tt> files.</p>
<p>Additional packages can be used in The BioMed Central template: <i>amsthm</i> and <i>amsmath</i> for
  theorems and mathematics respectively, <i>natbib</i> for citation style, <i>hyperref</i> for url references.</p>
<p><a href=""></a><br>
   <a href=""></a><br>
   <a href=""></a><br>
   <a href=""></a>
<p>for these style files if they are not in your local archive.</p>
<p><i>natbib.sty</i> with <tt>sort&compress</tt> option turns [1,2,3,4] into [1-4].</p>
<p><i>hyperref.sty</i> formats urls so they can be broken down
  cleanly when overflowing the right text boundary.</p>
<h2>4 BibTeX</h2>
<p>References <i>must</i> be formatted with BibTeX using
  the BioMed Central style file.</p>
<p>I.e. when using the template, choose one of the following: <tt>\bibliographystyle{bmc-mathphys}</tt>,
  <tt>\bibliographystyle{vancouver}</tt> or <tt>\bibliographystyle{spbasic}</tt> depending on the reference
  style that your journal is using.<p>
<p>The bibliography datafile is referred to with <tt>\bibliography{datafile1, ..., ...}</tt>.</p>
<p>The template makes use of a sample bibliography called <tt>bmc_article.bib</tt> -
  you should update the <tt>\bibliography</tt> tag to refer to your own bibliography.</p>
<p>For <i>author-year</i> bibliography (<tt>bmc-mathphys</tt> or <tt>spbasic</tt>):
  <li>write to bib file (<tt>bmc-mathphys</tt> only): <code>@settings{label, options="nameyear"}</code></li>
  <li>write to tex file: <code>\nocite{label}</code></li>
<h2>5 Notes on uploading your manuscript</h2>
<p>Make sure you are submitting only one <tt>.tex</tt> document. Please note that figures,
  large tables and any other reference material should be submitted as separate files, not embedded in the
<p>A <tt>.bbl</tt> file is generated when you use BibTeX
  to format your article's reference list. It contains formatted details of all
  references used in the manuscript. After uploading a TeX file to BioMed Central,
  you will then be prompted to upload the <tt>.bbl</tt> file which goes with it.</p>
<h2>6 The TeX article layout</h2>
<p>This is the sectioning for a BMC-series Research Article l
  manuscript submission . . .<br/>For other types of articles or for non-BMC series journals, see the relevant section headings at <a
<p id="small">&bullet; Abstract</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Background</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Results</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Conclusions</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Background</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Methods</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Results and Discussion</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Conclusions</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Authors contributions</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Acknowledgements</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; References</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Figures</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Tables</p>
<p id="small">&bullet; Additional files</p>
<h2>7 Further information</h2>
<p>The latest version of the BioMed Central TeX
  template distribution, and full instructions on its use, are available here:</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>


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