This is a cpp binding for tree sitter
Run make
in the root directory by defult the c version is c99 and c++ version is 20
Inside the languages run make \<language>-lang.o
To install and build your language.
When you run your compiler include the folowing directories: project root, src and src/core/lib/include.
And don't forget to add the library files: libtree-sitter-cpp.a
and your language
library (for example cpp-lang.o).
Clone this repositry
git clone
Build the respoitry
Install a language
cd languages
make cpp-lang.o
Write your main program
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <parser.hpp>
#include <languages/cpp.hpp>
const char* source = \
"#include <iostream>\n" \
"\n" \
"using namespace std;\n" \
"\n" \
"int main(void) {\n" \
" cout << \"Hello, World\";\n" \
" return 0;\n" \
int main(void) {
ts::Parser parser;
std::shared_ptr<ts::Tree> tree = parser.parse(source);
ts::Node rootNode = tree->rootNode();
std::cout << rootNode.sexp() << std::endl;
return 0;
Than compile your program
g++ -I. -Isrc -Isrc/core/lib/include libtree-sitter-cpp.o languages/cpp-lang.o main.cpp -o main
Than run it