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Releases: galio-org/galio


30 Mar 11:08
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Our newest small release is here! Thanks again for your support and for always trying to improve this growing library! I'm really glad you've been a part of this journey and I do hope you're going to keep up being a part of the Galio family!

We still have a lot to implement for v1.0 but I'm sure this new version will be of great help and will solve some of the problems.

This small update comes with the following PRs merged into it:



30 Mar 19:43
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Our newest release is here! Thanks again for your support and for always trying to improve this growing library! I'm really glad you've been a part of this journey and I do hope you're going to keep up being a part of the Galio family!

We still have a lot to implement for v1.0 but I'm sure this new version will be of great help and will solve a ton of problems.

We've done the following:

  • button - added loadingColor prop for the loading state of the button #221
  • navBar - added titleNumberOfLines and titleTextProps for a better customization of the navbar's title #222
  • toast - useNativeDriver prop included #240
  • block - space prop now only accepts one of the following: between, around, evenly #240
  • removed ViewPropTypes as it's deprecated #239
  • added TypeScript support #151

Special thanks to everybody that helped with their PR: @adxicible, @M1chaelTran, @rufat, @wiloke1


06 Jul 19:24
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Fix imports issue occurring after 0.7.0 release


05 Jul 20:57
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Hotfixes v0.7.0

The community managed to help out a lot and push some PRs in order to fix some bugs. We still have a lot to implement for v1.0 but I'm sure this new version will be of great help and will solve a ton of problems.

We've done the following:

  • checkbox - fixed onChange callback from getting called during the initial render - #192
  • input - textInputStyle prop added - #193
  • input - onRef added - #145
  • input -labelStyles and helpStyles added - #197
  • forward ref to wrapped component in withGalio HoC - #191
  • Require cycle: Components -> Index File - #210
  • navbar - fixed back prop #147
  • radio - fixed onChange callback initial render #214
  • switch - fixed trackColor prop not working #211
  • useGalioTheme custom Hook - #215

Special thanks for everybody that helped: @AndyOsei @zemuldo @sam1463 @robertqin86

v0.6.3 - hotfix

15 Oct 17:01
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Thanks to our community we managed to solve 2 bugs really fast.


  • Text component #139
  • Input component #137

Thanks to:

v0.6.2 - hotfix

13 Oct 23:34
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Solved the bug regarding some props being not usable for Card and Text components. Both components should be styled as intended (with the style prop) now.

This should solve #134 .

v0.6.1 - hotfix

16 Sep 14:12
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This hotfix was pushed in order to solve some critical bugs which made some components unusable.


  • Checkbox -- added theme prop in the component's list of props
  • Navbar -- name prop changed (#129)

Thanks @mamkkl for the PR


11 Sep 12:56
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Our newest release is here! Thanks again for your support and for always trying to improve this growing library! I'm really glad you've been a part of this journey and I do hope you're going to keep up being a part of the Galio family!


  1. hitSlop prop was added to our NavBar component (#94), the name prop was renamed to leftIconName, also the leftIconFamily prop was added
  2. onRef prop was added to our Text component (#99), the reasoning behind this was for the focus() function to work. You can find out more about this here: #74
  3. Font-Awesome5 was added to our collection of fonts for the Text component (#108)
  4. Toast component added #112
  5. Deck Swiper component added #124
  6. Accordion component added #123
  7. Changed all of the components from class-based components to Hooks #116

This time we got a lot of people helping Galio out which is great! I sure hope I'll see more people doing that! Next step: v0.7!

Thanks again to all of the people that have been a part of this update (alphabetical order):

v0.5.4 - hotfix

12 Aug 14:06
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A bug was found and solved by our community! We had an issue with the react-native run-android --variant=release, you can find out more about it here: #109

Changes: the route for galio.json changed and also the imports for that file changed.

Thanks to @robertqin86 for solving this issue really fast!

v0.5.3 - hotfix

17 Jun 10:28
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I've wanted to keep these changes for v0.6 but Expo SDK 33 was released and a lot of people had problems with Galio. So the following changes have been made:

  1. Removed Expo dependency entirely from Galio
  2. Removed Expo from Icon.js
  3. Removed the Galio font from the NavBar.js, Card.js and Input.js and changed with different fonts
  4. Created a new file for the Icon.js in order to fully use the react-native-vector-icons library where we're importing all fonts
  5. Now react-native-vector-icons is a peerDependency which basically means that the user has to install it if he wants to use it. Most of our users will still have to install that library and link it, some might not need icons at all so that's cool.
  6. Accepted a PR from @ghasemikasra39 which fixed a typo we had in Slider.js which made the component unusable. Now the Slider can be used again

So basically we can now use Galio in a React Native app without Expo which is perfect! Congratulations to everybody for helping out!