NOTE: Don't use the one hosted on github pages, go here instead
1 MB of free ram
100x100 screen
4 color pallete
~4kb sprite ram (enough for 64 8x8 sprites)
~4kb of font rom (A-Z, 0-9, cursor, some punctuation)
11 inputs (up, down, left, right, a, b, start, select, mouse button, mouse x/y)
Simple JS api
//Make sure you use the function keyword when defining update
function update() {
this.peek(address) //Returns value of address
this.poke(address, value) //Stores value at address
this.regions //Contains a list of memory regions (SPRITE,FONT,KEYS,RAM)
this.pget(x,y) //Returns color of pixel at x and y
this.pset(x,y,c) //Sets pixel at x and y to c
this.char(char, x, y, clr) //Draws a single charater at x and y with color clr
this.text(text, x, y, clr) //Draws a multi-line string at x and y with color clr
this.spr(s,x,y) //Draws sprite s (0-64) at x and y
this.line(x1,y1,x2,y2,c) //Draws a line from x1 and y1 to x2 and y2 with color c
this.rect(x,y,w,h,c) //Draws a rectangle at x and y with the dimenions of w and h with color c
this.clr() //Clears the screen
this.btn(b) //Checks if button (0-7) is down on "controler"
this.mbtn() //Checks if mouse button is down
this.mouse(a) //Returns the mouse position at axis a (0=x, 1=y)