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Tweet Classification using RNN and CNN

Torch implementation of a tweet classifier with GPUs. It allows training using a deep CNN and RNN models. We also provide option to choose different activation functions of RNNs such as GRU, LSTM and their bi-directional variants.

The CNN model is from Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification, Kim et al. EMNLP 2014.

This project is maintained by Ganesh J. You are welcome to post any issues on the issues page.


We will be working with a sample data from Sentiment140. The data has 6000, 600 and 359 training, validation and test tweets respectively along with their labels in a tab-separated format.

Run all the models at one shot


This will run CNN, RNN, Bi-RNN, GRU, Bi-GRU, LSTM and Bi-LSTM serially in a GPU. The default settings for CNNs are taken from the original paper while RNNs settings are leveraged from TreeLSTM.

Training options

Convolutional Neural Network (cnn.lua)

  • num_feat_maps: number of feature maps after 1st convolution
  • kernels: kernel sizes of convolutions, table format. (ex: 3,4,5)
  • dropout_p: dropout for regularization
  • L2s: L2 normalize weights
  • optim_method: which gradient descent algorithm to choose? adadelta or adam

Recurrent Neural Network (*rnn.lua)

  • layers: size of each hidden layer in RNN (ex: for 3-layer net, give it as {150,150,150})
  • rnn_type: which variant of RNN to use? RNN or GRU or LSTM
  • seq_length: number of timessteps to unroll for
  • optim_method: which gradient descent algorithm to choose? adadelta or adam or adagrad
  • learning_rate: learning rate to be given to the optmizer.

Miscellaneous *.lua

  • data: path to the data.
  • seed: change the random seed for random numbers in torch - use that option to train alternate models for ensemble
  • glove_dir: directory for accesssing the pre-trained twitter-specific glove word embeddings. You can download them here
  • pre_train: should we initialize word embeddings with pre-trained vectors?
  • dim: dimensionality of word embeddings.
  • min_freq: words that occur less than times will not be taken for training. They are substituted with special token.
  • num_epochs: number of full passes through the training data
  • bsize: mini-Batch size

Torch Dependencies

  • nn
  • optim
  • xlua
  • cunn
  • cutorch
  • cudnn
  • nngraph
  • dpnn
  • rnn




Tweet Classification using RNN and CNN







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