SPPU First Year (FE) Programming and Problem Solving (PPS) Lab Assignments (2019 Pattern)
Aledutron Youtube PPS Lab Playlist Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&si=5RWSN_MmtX1FACb1
Question No. | Problem Statement | Code Link | Youtube Link |
1 | To calculate salary of an employee given his basic pay (take as input from user). Calculate gross salary of employee. Let HRA be 10 % of basic pay and TA be 5% of basic pay. Let employee pay professional tax as 2% of total salary. Calculate net salary payable after deductions. | Q01.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKuda5SDodo&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=2&pp=iAQB |
2 | To accept an object mass in kilograms and velocity in meters per second and display its momentum. Momentum is calculated as e=mc2 where m is the mass of the object and c is its velocity. | Q02.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5biTgAF1hcc&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=3&pp=iAQB |
3 | To accept N numbers from user. Compute and display maximum in list, minimum in list, sum and average of numbers. | Q03.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vm4HL3_8AQ&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=4&pp=iAQB |
4 | To accept student’s five courses marks and compute his/her result. Student is passing if he/she scores marks equal to and above 40 in each course. If student scores aggregate greater than 75%, then the grade is distinction. If aggregate is 60>= and <75 then the grade if first division. If aggregate is 50>= and <60, then the grade is second division. If aggregate is 40>= and <50, then the grade is third division. | Q04.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svxE0R7MOJM&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=5&pp=iAQB |
5 | To check whether input number is Armstrong number or not. An Armstrong number is an integer with three digits such that the sum of the cubes of its digits is equal to the number itself. Ex. 371. | Q05.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teEoh90_h2U&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=6&pp=iAQB |
6 | To simulate simple calculator that performs basic tasks such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with special operations like computing x^y and x!. | Q06.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IUypxr5JGM&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=7&pp=iAQB |
7 | To accept the number and Compute a) square root of number, b) Square of number, c) Cube of number d) check for prime, d) factorial of number e) prime factors |
Q07.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7Qm6EJgeUQ&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=8&pp=iAQB |
8 | To accept two numbers from user and compute smallest divisor and Greatest Common Divisor of these two numbers. | Q08.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30gN_Usoztc&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=9&pp=iAQB |
9 | To accept a number from user and print digits of number in a reverse order. | Q09.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9YRuegvDBM&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=10&pp=iAQB |
10 | To input binary number from user and convert it into decimal number. | Q10.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRnb482gdiI&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=11&pp=iAQB |
11 | To generate pseudo random numbers. | Q11.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd5yueYktCw&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=12&pp=iAQB |
12 | To accept list of N integers and partition list into two sub lists even and odd numbers. | Q12.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec4ibwDuaqo&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=13&pp=iAQB |
13 | To accept the number of terms a finds the sum of sine series. | Q13.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00vmSdrdBjw&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=14&pp=iAQB |
14 | To accept from user the number of Fibonacci numbers to be generated and print the Fibonacci series. | Q14.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy5BuYOL3DM&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=15&pp=iAQB |
15 | Write a python program that accepts a string from user and perform following string operations- i. Calculate length of string ii. String reversal iii. Equality check of two strings iv. Check palindrome v. Check substring |
Q15.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlHl9JchxrE&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=16&pp=iAQB |
16 | To copy contents of one file to other. While copying a) all full stops are to be replaced with commas b) lower case are to be replaced with upper case c) upper case are to be replaced with lower case. | Q16.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ2kW59dffk&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=17&pp=iAQB |
17 | To count total characters in file, total words in file, total lines in file and frequency of given word in file. | Q17.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKbvMdzczr0&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=18&pp=iAQB |
18 | Create class EMPLOYEE for storing details (Name, Designation, gender, Date of Joining and Salary). Define function members to compute a)total number of employees in an organization b) count of male and female employee c) Employee with salary more than 10,000 d) Employee with designation “Asst Manager” | Q18.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icE1OBFkt6U&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=19&pp=iAQB |
19 | Create class STORE to keep track of Products ( Product Code, Name and price). Display menu of all products to user. Generate bill as per order. | Q19.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nsywo42zu0A&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=20&pp=iAQB |
20 | Calculator with basic functions. Add more functionality such as graphic user interface and complex calculations. | ||
21 | Program that simulates rolling dice. When the program runs, it will randomly choose a number between 1 and 6 (Or other integer you prefer). Print that number. Request user to roll again. Set the min and max number that dice can show. For the average die, that means a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6. | Q21.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnzJLXMdbFw&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=21&pp=iAQB |
22 | Write a python program that accepts a string from user and perform following string operations- i. Calculate length of string ii. String reversal iii. Equality check of two strings iv. Check palindrome v. Check substring |
23 | Guess Number: Randomly generate a number unknown to the user. The user needs to guess what that number is. If the user’s guess is wrong, the program should return some sort of indication as to how wrong (e.g. the number is too high or too low). If the user guesses correctly, a positive indication should appear. Write functions to check if the user input is an actual number, to see the difference between the inputted number and the randomly generated numbers, and to then compare the numbers. | Q23.py | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqPbirLgg2U&list=PLlShVH4JA0osTzddxh-2s1yaigpyp6DRx&index=22&pp=iAQB |