A nagios check for monitoring the CPU consumption of AWS instances using the CloudWatch API
Usage: check_aws_cpu [options]
-g, --groups group[,group] which groups do you wish to report on?
--stack stack which stack do you wish to report on?
--tags tag,[tag] which tag(s) do you wish to report on?
-d , --debug enable debug mode
-i instance[,instance], which instance(s) do you wish to report on?
-r, --region region which region do you wish to report on?
-k, --key key specify your AWS key ID
-s, --secret secret specify your AWS secret
-u, --upper num specify the upper bound on CPU consumption
-l, --lower num specify the lower bound on CPU consumption
-t, --timespan mins specify the the number of minutes over which the CPU conumption is averaged
define command{
command_name check_aws_cpu
command_line $USER1$/check_aws_cpu.rb --stack '$ARG1$' --tags '$ARG2$' --key '$ARG3$' --secret '$ARG4$' --upper '$ARG5$' --lower '$ARG6$' --region '$ARG7$' --instances '$ARG8$' --timespan '$ARG9$'
define service{
use generic-service
host_name aws
service_description WWWFleet CPU
check_command check_aws_cpu!PROD!WWWFleet!<%= @aws_nagios_key %>!<%= @aws_nagios_secret %>!70!5!<%= @aws_region_code %>!!20!
check_interval 5
notification_period workhours
first_notification_delay 30
- The SDK will use IAM roles if you don't specify a key pair
- The default region is us-west-2 (Oregon)