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IMS Migration

Database migration tooling for SQL Server databases


For normal usage, install the package globally.

npm install -g ims-migration

To use as part of a scripted deployment process you may install locally.

Project Initailization

From the root of your project run the init command. The optional directory argument will set the base location of the folders used to store the migration script files. If not specified, the current working directory is used as the base location.

ims-migration init [directory]

This will create the following directories and files.

├── [directory]/functions/
├── [directory]/migrations/
├── [directory]/postDeploy/
├── [directory]/preDeploy/
├── [directory]/procedures/
├── [directory]/views/
└── migration.yaml


Script files processed prior to being applied to the database. In your scripts you can include a token name inside double curly braces (ex: {{DatabaseName}}). Any instances of this pattern in your script are replaced with the value at runtime. By default, a few replacement tokens are available and custom replacements can be provided when running publish.

Default Replacement Tokens

Token Name Description
DatabaseName Database name passed in -d or --database
PackageLoginUsername Login name for the package user passed in -l or --packageLogin (May be an empty string if not provided during publish)
PackageLoginPassword Password for the package user passed in -x or --packagePassword (May be an empty string if not provided during publish)
PublisherUsername Login name passed in -u or --user
PublisherPassword Password passed in -p or --password

For passing custom tokens see Publish CLI and Publishing from node.

Creating Scripts

To add a new script, use one of the ims-migration create <scriptType> to add script and register it with the ims-migration configuration file.


Migrations are used to create, alter or drop tables, contraints and indexes to the database.

ims-migration create migration my-migration-name

This will create a file named {timestamp}-my-migration-name.sql in [directory]/migrations and add {timestamp}-my-migration-name to the end of the migrations array in the migrations.yaml file.

Each migration script is only run against a database one time. Therefore, migration scripts should not be changed once they have been published in a version. Subsequent changes to the database structure, should be made through a new migration script. This is different from the other script types functions, procedures, views, pre-deploy and post-deploy which are run every time the database migration is published.


Functions are used to create either scalar or table valued user defined functions. The functions will be run each time the migration is published. By default it uses the scalar function template for the generated file, but you can add -t table to use the table function template.

By default, functions are created in the dbo schema. To specify a different schema prefix the function name with {schemaName}..

# Scalar Function
ims-migration create function my-scalar-function

# Table Valued Function
ims-migration create function my-table-function -t table

# Function in a "mySchema" instead of "dbo" schema
ims-migration create function

This will create a files named my-scalar-function.sql and my-table-function in [directory]/functions.

The function scripts are re-run every time the migration is published. The scripts should be written in a way that supports dropping and recreating the function if it exists. The provided templates provide this setup for you.


Procedures are used to create SQL stored procedures. The procedures will be run each time the migration is published.

ims-migration create procedure my-procedure-name

This will create a file named my-procedure-name.sql in [directory]/procedures. The file will use the procedure template

By default, procedures are created in the dbo schema. To specify a different schema prefix the procedure name with {schemaName}..

ims-migration create procedure

The procedure scripts are re-run every time the migration is published. The scripts should be written in a way that supports dropping and recreating the procedure if it exists. The provided templates provide this setup for you.


Views are used to create SQL Views. The views will be run each time the migration is published.

ims-migration create view my-view

This will create a file named my-view.sql in [directory]/views. The file will use the view template

By default, views are created in the dbo schema. To specify a different schema prefix the view name with {schemaName}..

ims-migration create view

The view scripts are re-run every time the migration is published. The scripts should be written in a way that supports dropping and recreating the view if it exists. The provided templates provide this setup for you.


Pre-Deploy scripts are run before migrations each time the migration is published.

ims-migration create pre-deploy my-pre-deploy

This will create a file named my-pre-deploy.sql in [directory]/preDeploy and add my-pre-deploy to the end of the preDeploy array in the migrations.yaml file.

The pre-deploy scripts are re-run every time the migration is published. The scripts should be written in a way that it supports begin run multiple times without creating errors.


Post-Deploy scripts are run after migrations, functions, views and procedures each time the migration is published.

ims-migration create post-deploy my-post-deploy

This will create a file named my-post-deploy.sql in [directory]/postDeploy and add my-post-deploy to the end of the postDeploy array in the migrations.yaml file.

The pre-deploy scripts are re-run every time the migration is published. The scripts should be written in a way that it supports begin run multiple times without creating errors.

Publish CLI

The publish command applies the migrations to a database creating a new database if the database does not exist

ims-migration publish <options>


  -c, --config             Configuration file to use (default ./migration.yaml)
  -s, --server             SQL Server address (default 'localhost')
  -i, --instance           SQL Server instance name (default 'MSSQLSERVER')
  -d, --database           (required) Name of the database
  -u, --user               (required) Admin user for connecting to the SQL Server
  -p, --password           (required) Admin user password
  -l, --packageLogin       IMS package login user, will be created if it doesn't exist
  -x, --packagePassword    IMS package login password, only used when creating the package login (requires that packageLogin also be set)
  -v, --verbose            Prints SQL commands being executed to the console
  -r, --replacements       Custom replacements to be merged with the default replacements. Should be in the format `key=value`
                           May be specified multiple times to pass an array of custom replacements
  -f, --force              Forces the migration to publish even if the hash of the migration files matches the last successful execution

Simple Example:

  ims-migration publish -c migration.yaml -s -d my-test-database -u sa -p SecurePassword -l my-package-user -x SecurePassword

Example with replacements:

  ims-migration publish -d my-test-database -u sa -p SecurePassword -l my-package-user -x SecurePassword -r SpecialName=Awesome -r AnotherValue=100

Publish Overview

The publish process perform the following steps agains the database

  1. Creates the database if it does not exist on the server
  2. Ensures the __Migrations and __MigrationsLog tables are in the target database
  3. Creates the package login user account if it does not exist otherwise, updates the password for the package login if the password is not blank
  4. Runs the config.preDeploy scripts on the database
  5. Runs the config.migrations on the database. Migrations that run successfully create a record in the __Migrations table
  6. Runs all the .sql files located in config.paths.functions, config.paths.procedures, and config.paths.views on the database
  7. Runs the config.postDeploy scripts on the database
  8. Logs migrations status to the __MigrationsLog table

Publish Dependencies

When running the functions, procedures, and views scripts during the publish, it attempts to resolve dependencies between the scripts and order them to run so dependent objects are created first. To make this possible, it relies on conventions in the scripts. Each script in the functions, procedures or views folder should contain one of the following (case insensitive):



CREATE VIEW <ObjectName>

where <ObjectName> is one of the following

These patterns are used to determine the object names that are being created. These object names are then check in other scripts to determine the dependencies between the objects being created. The name checking is case insensitive and while not required, it is preferred that all object names be wrapped in square brackets [].

Publish Failures

Steps 3 thru 7, are performed inside a SQL transaction. Should one of the steps encouter an error, the transaction is rolled back reverting the database to the previous state. Details on the cause of the publish error are written to the __MigrationsLog table including the script that errored and full javascript error as a JSON string.

Publishing from node

Alternatively, you can import or require ims-migration in node and run the publish by providing a configuration object.

import imsMigration from 'ims-migration'

const options = {
  migrationFile: './migrationFile.js',
  database: {
    server: 'localhost',
    instanceName: 'MSSQLSERVER',
    databaseName: 'MyDatabase',
    username: 'admin',
    password: 'MySuperSecurePassword',
    logging: false
  packageLogin: {
    username: 'package_user',
    password: 'MySuperSecurePackagePassword'
  replacements: {
    MySpecialValue: 'This is cool'

  .then((result) => {
    console.log(`Finished with status: ${result.status}`)
Param Type Description
migrationFile string Path and name of migration.yaml file
database.server string SQL Server address
database.instanceName string SQL Server instance name
database.databaseName string Name of the database
database.username string Database admin user for connecting to the SQL Server
database.password string Database admin user password
database.logging boolean If true, print SQL statements to console
packageLogin.username string IMS package login user, will be created if it doesn't exist
packageLogin.password string IMS package login password, only used when creating the package login
replacements object Key-value pairs merged with default replacements and used in scripts. Value should be a string. See Replacements