This repository is a collection of Terraform projects that can be used with CloudGuard Platform to implement and show IaC scanning. Later below we also have some example of Jenkins files to be used in conjunction with these to integrate it as part of a Pipeline.
First, you need to have a CloudGuard CSPM account, and if you don't, you can create one with these links:
- Create an account in Europe Region
- Create an account in Asia Pacific Region
- Create an account in United States Region
Then you will need to get the API credentials that you will be using on Jenkins to send the findings to the CloudGuard Platform.
On the Jenkins server that you use you would need to have:
- Terraform Installed: Please refer to Terraform documentation on how to download it: Terraform Installation
Once you have these two components running on your system:
- In Jenkins menu, select Manage Jenkins and, under System Configuration, select Manage Plugins.
- In Plugin Manager, under Available, find two entities Credentials and Pipeline and install them.
- In Jenkins menu, select Manage Jenkins and, under Security, select Manage Credentials:
Add credentials for CloudGuard:
In Username, enter the ID from the CloudGuard access token.
In Password, enter the Secret.
In ID, enter the name to distinguish these credentials, for example, CloudGuard_Credentials. - In Jenkins menu, select Manage Jenkins and, under Security, select Manage Credentials:
Add credentials for AWS:
In Username, enter the ACCESS_KEY_ID gathered from the AWS Console.
In Password,enter the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY gathered from the AWS Console.
In ID, enter the name to distinguish these credentials, for example, AWS_Credentials. - In the CloudGuard Portal create a Spectral environment and copy its ID, you will use it in the pipeline later.
This pipeline is structured to perform four simple steps.
- Syntax Validation: Get the Terraform code from this repository and it checks its terraform syntax
- Terraform Code Scan: Scan the Terraform code against Cloudguard-managed best practice rules
- Cleanup of the files: It cleans the file created by the pipeline
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Syntax Validation') {
steps {
dir('iac-code') {
git branch: 'main',
url: ''
sh '''
cd iac-code/aws
terraform --version
terraform init
terraform validate
stage('Spectral Install & Config') {
environment {
SPECTRAL_DSN = credentials('spectral-dsn')
steps {
sh '''
curl -L '$SPECTRAL_DSN' | sh
$HOME/.spectral/spectral config --dsn $SPECTRAL_DSN
stage('Spectral Scan') {
steps {
sh '''
cd iac-code/aws
spectral scan --ok --table --include-tags base,audit,iac
stage('Provider Cleanup') {
steps {
sh '''
du -sh
rm plan-file.json
rm -r .terraform
rm -r .terraform.lock.hcl
du -sh