This package is an implementation of a radix tree in Go (or Golang).
Searching for static values in the tree doesn't allocate memory on the heap, what makes it pretty fast.
It can also sort nodes by priority, therefore traversing nodes that hold more non-nil values first.
Full documentation here.
vgo get -u
go get -u
import (
// ...
Building this example from Wikipedia
tr := radix.New(radix.Tdebug)
tr.Add("romane", 1)
tr.Add("romanus", 2)
tr.Add("romulus", 3)
tr.Add("rubens", 4)
tr.Add("ruber", 5)
tr.Add("rubicon", 6)
tr.Add("rubicundus", 7)
tr.Sort(radix.PrioritySort) // optional step
. (14 nodes)
└── 7↑ r → <nil>
├── 4↑ ub → <nil>
│ ├── 2↑ ic → <nil>
│ │ ├── 1↑ undus 🍂 → 7
│ │ └── 1↑ on 🍂 → 6
│ └── 2↑ e → <nil>
│ ├── 1↑ r 🍂 → 5
│ └── 1↑ ns 🍂 → 4
└── 3↑ om → <nil>
├── 2↑ an → <nil>
│ ├── 1↑ us 🍂 → 2
│ └── 1↑ e 🍂 → 1
└── 1↑ ulus 🍂 → 3
n, _ := tr.Get("rubicon") // zero-allocation search
fmt.Println(n.Value) // prints "6"
A dynamic tree is a tree that can match labels based on a placeholder and a demiliter (e.g. an HTTP router that accepts dynamic routes).
Note that this only works with prefix trees, not binary ones.
tr := radix.New(0) // passing 0 means passing no flags
tr.Add("/dynamic/path/@id", 1)
tr.Add("/dynamic/path/@id/subpath/@name", 2)
tr.Add("/static/path", 3)
tr.SetBoundaries('@', '/')
var (
n *radix.Node
p map[string]string
n, p = tr.Get("/dynamic/path/123")
fmt.Println(n.Value) // prints "1"
fmt.Println(p["id"]) // prints "123"
n, p = tr.Get("/dynamic/path/456/subpath/foobar")
fmt.Println(n.Value) // prints "2"
fmt.Println(p["id"]) // prints "456"
fmt.Println(p["name"]) // prints "foobar"
n, _ = tr.Get("/static/path") // p would be nil
fmt.Println(n.Value) // prints "3"
tr := radix.New(radix.Tdebug | radix.Tbinary)
tr.Add("deck", 1)
tr.Add("did", 2)
tr.Add("doe", 3)
tr.Add("dog", 4)
tr.Add("doge", 5)
tr.Add("dogs", 6)
. (71 nodes)
01100100011001010110001101101011 🍂 → 1
011001000110100101100100 🍂 → 2
011001000110111101100101 🍂 → 3
011001000110111101100111 → 4
01100100011011110110011101100101 🍂 → 5
01100100011011110110011101110011 🍂 → 6
- For bugs and opinions, please open an issue
- For pushing changes, please open a pull request