For the last 18 months I have been working on an operating system for the 65C02 and as of writing this is it 80% complete. Here is a brief description of the system, please feel free to comment.
It is a console based OS similar to DOS or CP/M but written from scratch to take advantage of the 65C02:-
- Requires about 2k of ROM and 512 bytes of RAM (page 2 & 3).
- Transient programs load from $0400 up.
- Hardware boots into BIOS which initialises peripherals then jumps to the OS.
- BIOS only needs to provide 4 simple calls; console get, console put, drive write, drive read.
- 16-bit custom filing system capable of addressing 16Mb of storage.
- Up to 8 files open simultaneously.
- Multiple drive partitions (A..Z) with drive labels ('OS', 'GAMES', etc).
- In-built commands; MON, PUT, DIR, DRV, REN, DEL, OS.
- Installable commands.
- Re-direct-able console; file or additional installed drivers.
- Installation of additional storage drivers; flash, ramdisk, etc.
- Relocatable loading to high-memory.
- Memory aware management; overwriting (commands) or protecting (driver).
- DOS style PATH drive for fall-back search.
- Nested Batch command processing.
- Autoexec batch file running on boot-up.
- Simple JMP table API.
- Comprehensive API fileIO, console, math, and number conversion.
- Memory mapped properties for customization.
...Now for the negatives:-
- Single tasking (doesn't bother me)
- Contiguous file allocation so does require periodic Trash collection
- Only 1 write file open at any time.
- No file appending.
- Simple text output (for now)
- Flat filing system; no directories.
- Relocatable files limited to a few pages in size.
...And possible future additions to take us up to 4k:-
- Command line history/recall
- VT52/100 support for text formatting & colour.
- Sound support?
As mentioned before the system is 80% complete. Many of the more advanced features are the result of interplay between other features. For example the batch file execution is a side-effect of redirecting the console input to a file. The ability to have multiple files open enables nested batch files. The installation of drivers/commands is only possible with relocatable loading.
For fear of sounding like an idiot; I have tried to make the OS work on several levels:-
- It needs to be fast to port; builders want to get their new SBC up and running quickly.
- It needs to be simple to use; it's not about the OS it's about playing games!
- It needs to be expandable; as you improve your system.
- It needs to be customisable; I'm an engineer so what do I know about style.
- It needs to be hackable; because this is just fun.
- it needs to be small/simple so 1 person can understand how everything works.
Please feel free to provide comments/feedback; I'm sick of guessing what people want!
Oh yes; it needs a name. I was thinking Minimal Operating System (MOS).