SPARC extensions for the OpenFOAM-based solvers laminarSMOKE and edcSMOKE: implementation of the on-the-fly classifiers and the general setup
If you use one or multiple functions that were implemented in these codes for your publications, I kindly ask you to cite the following papers:
G. D’Alessio et al., "Adaptive chemistry via pre-partitioning of composition space and mechanism reduction." Combustion and Flame 211 (2020): 68-82)
G. D'Alessio et al., "Impact of the partitioning method on multidimensional adaptive-chemistry simulations." Energies 13.10 (2020): 2567.
G. D'Alessio et al., "Feature extraction and artificial neural networks for the on-the-fly classification of high-dimensional thermochemical spaces in adaptive-chemistry simulations." Data-Centric Engineering 2 (2021).