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Releases: gdemin/expss


16 Jul 21:44
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0.11.6 (14.07.2023)

  • add 'as_spss' argument to 'significance_cpct' for more SPSS-compatible results (issue #100)
  • add rounding option (issue #100)
  • fix bug with duplicated columns labels in tab_pivot(stat_position = 'inside_columns') (issue #102)


05 Nov 22:17
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0.11.4 (05.11.2022)

  • fix disastrous bug which prevent package installation for R version before 4.2 (many thanks to Tom Elliott)


07 Jan 13:30
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0.11.1 (07.01.2022)

  • add 'weight_by' - function for "brute force" frequency weighting
  • 'read_spss' now exposes 'use_missings' argument from foreign::read.spss
  • 'apply_labels' now can accept list with variable and value labels
  • 'calc_cro_*'s are renamed to more clear 'cross_'s
  • 'compute', 'do_if', 'where' and 'calc' are deprecated in favor of the 'maditr'
    package. 'maditr' is thin layer above fastest data manipulation package 'data.tabe'


16 Nov 11:49
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0.10.7 (15.11.2020)

  • fix compatibility with SPSS in 'w_median' function (issue #72)
  • fix bug with incorrect labelling in some cases in 'recode' (issue #73)
  • 'default_dataset' functionality is deprecated
  • 'apply_labels' now respects data.table (and assign labels by reference for data.table)
  • 'not', 'or', 'and', 'when' now respects criteria functions


26 Jul 22:10
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0.10.6 (26.07.2020)

  • fix for new data.table version (issue #67). Thanks to John Williams.
  • fix dplyr behaviour (issues #65, #68)


06 Jul 15:06
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0.10.5 (05.07.2020)

  • add argument 'default' for 'var_lab' function (issue #60). Thanks to Dan Chaltiel
  • fixes for new versions of R, htmlTable, huxtable


25 Mar 21:22
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0.10.2 (25.03.2020)

  • fixes for R4.0
  • new vignette with examples
  • add functions 'hide' and 'unhide' for selective hiding and showing categories in 'net' and 'subtotal'
  • now logical don't have special meaning in the 'recode'. If you use this functionality than use 'when' instead.
    recode(y, x>5 ~ 1) need to be replaced with recode(y, when(x>5) ~ 1).
  • add 'xl_write_file' for quick export tables to Excel file
  • Add 'tab_caption' - alias for 'set_caption'


28 Nov 20:37
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0.10.1 (28.11.2019)

  • output to PDF, Word via huxtable package (thanks to Sebastian Jeworutzki). See 'as_hux' and 'expss_output_huxtable'.
  • bugfixes


26 Aug 18:59
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0.9.1 (26.08.2019)

  • 'subtotal' and 'net' produce consistent ordering of subototal items (thanks Roberto Gilsaura for extensive testing)
  • 'subtotal' and 'net' allow overlapping categories
  • fix vignette for new 'reformulate'
  • fix recode for list recodings. Now c(1, 5 %thru% 99) ~ 999 works properly.


01 Jul 07:21
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0.9.0 (01.07.2019)

  • add 'subtotal' and 'net' functions. See '?net'.
  • 'recode' now can recode value labels to keep them consistent with values (see argument 'with_labels')
  • add alias 'rec' to recode with argument 'with_labels = TRUE' by default
  • now you can assign new labels in 'recode' ("TOP" = 4:5 ~ 5)
  • improve 'recode' performance
  • simplify 'recode' behavior. Now RHS and LHS part in the recoding formula should be single column object. However, you can still recode entire data.frame or list.
  • improve preformance of 'sum_row', 'mean_row', 'median_row' and etc.
  • change labelled 'csv' format. Now labels are stored in the same file as data. Labels are located in the commented lines at the begining of the file. Ispite of changing format, 'read_labelled_csv' should detect and read the old format automatically.
  • add new functions: 'read_labelled_xlsx' and 'write_labelled_xlsx'. Now you can save and restore labelled data to Excel file. Labels are stored on the separate sheet.
  • add new functions: 'read_labelled_fst' and 'write_labelled_fst' for storing data in the 'fst' format ( With this format you can read and write a huge amount of labelled data very quickly.
  • Small bugfixes.