API for accessing the gendercomics.net database
Documentation: https://api.gendercomics.net/swagger-ui.html
- new endpoint for downloading search results as txt file
- new endpoint for top level keywords
- new endpoint for search from website
- Keywords are sorted alphabetically
- Another NullPointer-Fix for KeywordDeserializer
- NullPointer-Fix for KeywordDeserializer
- relations refactoring
- predicates to describe relations (RDF)
- JsonMapping-NullPointer FIX for Series.getComicId()
- when deleting a comic of type *_series, then the entries in the related comics are deleted
- Comic.getSeriesAsMap() made null-safe and ignored in JSON serialization
- hotfix for nullpointer exception on getComparableNameForWebAppList
- hotfix for nullpointer exception on getComparableNameForWebAppList
- regex search service fully implemented
- removed deprecated person name attributes
- regex search service (without controller)
- cover image upload
- cover image download from DNB
- cover image download for all comics having isbn13 and an image available at DNB
- cleanup endpoint for person name attributes
- HOTFIX for HOTFIX for log4j vulnerability (log4j:2.16.0)
- HOTFIX for log4j vulnerability (log4j:2.15.0)
- HOTFIX for wrong mongodb start command
- removed previous migration endpoints (series, links, publisher, roles)
- migration cleanup (removal) endpoint for publisher
- removed comic.series single attribute
- removed comic.hyperlink single attribute
- migration cleanup (removal) endpoint for comic.creator.role (single entry)
- list and cleanup of empty hyperlinks (MigrationController)
- transient location override for specific publisher
- save publisher location override in Hashmap (via service)
- multiple series in comic (+ migration endpoint)
- comic list sorted alphabetically again
- mutliple hyperlinks (+ migration and delete endpoint)
- multiple publishers fixes
- multiple publishers (+ migration endpoint)
- multiple roles for a creator (+ migration endpoint)
- CI/CD using github actions
- docker container configuration set to 'restart: always'
- comic_title_issue_index not unique
- series type removed
- ComicType.series replaced by comic_series and publishing_series
- added Comic.Printer [String]
- Comic.HyperLink replaces Comic.Link
- Comic.HyperLink includes last access date
- Comic.IssueTitle added
- integration test with TestContainers
- JUnit4 to JUnit5 upgrade
- Upgrade to Java 11