Robot Framework listener library that provides a simple way to log test results to TestRail test case management system
pip install git+
See library documentation on GitHub
Import TRailLibrary
*** Settings *** Library TRailLibrary url=http:\\server api_key=key_here project=My Project plan=Test Plan run_name=MyDailyRun config={'OS':'Windows', 'Browser':'Chrome'} prefix=C
Mark Robot Framework tests with tag containing Test Rail case ID. Case IDs can be found in Test Rail UI. They looks like the follofing C# (e.g. C17).
If multiple tags specified then all corresponding test cases in Test Rail will receive results.
*** Test Cases ***
Test With Test Rail tag
[Tags] C1 dummy owner-johndoe
Log Hello, world!
*** Test Cases ***
Test With Test Rail tag
[Tags] C1 C2 C45233 dummy owner-johndoe
Log Hello, world!
Test run should exist before the library can log result to Test Rail.
script can be used to create a test run from a CI system.
The script can create test run with multiple configurations at a time.
python -user -url https://server -key test_rail_api_key_here -project "Project" -plan "Continous Testing" -run "Run Name" -d "Plan description" -configs "[{'Browser':'FireFox', 'OS':'Ubuntu'}, {'Browser':'IE', 'OS':'Windows'}]" -caseids [1, 2, 3, 10, 100]