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adr1anh committed Jul 5, 2023
1 parent f3a66dd commit 0446cdd
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Showing 7 changed files with 442 additions and 331 deletions.
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions halo2_proofs/src/plonk/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1265,17 +1265,6 @@ impl<F: Field> Expression<F> {
v => f(v),

/// If the whole polynomial is multiplied by a simple selector, return it along with the expression it selects
pub fn extract_top_selector(&self) -> (Option<Selector>, &Expression<F>) {
match self {
Expression::Product(e1, e2) => match (&**e1, &**e2) {
(Expression::Selector(s), e) | (e, Expression::Selector(s)) => (Some(*s), e),
_ => (None, self),
_ => (None, self),

impl<F: std::fmt::Debug> std::fmt::Debug for Expression<F> {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion halo2_proofs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
mod error_check;
mod evaluation;
mod expression;
mod gate;
mod keygen;
mod prover;
mod shuffle;
Expand Down
361 changes: 335 additions & 26 deletions halo2_proofs/src/protostar/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,31 +1,340 @@
use core::num;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;

use crate::poly::{LagrangeCoeff, Polynomial};
use crate::poly::{commitment::Blind, empty_lagrange, LagrangeCoeff, Polynomial, Rotation};
use ff::Field;
use halo2curves::CurveAffine;

// enum CircuitInstance<C:CurveAffine> {
// Raw(Vec<Poly<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>>),
// Committed(Vec<C>),
// }

struct AccumulatorInstance<C: CurveAffine> {
// challenges[i][p] = challenge[i][0]^{p-1}
// p is the power of the challenge and >1.
challenges: Vec<Vec<C::Scalar>>,
instance_polys: Vec<Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>>,
advice_commitments: Vec<C>,

// powers of the constraint separation challenge
y_challenges: Vec<C::Scalar>,
// thetas: Vec<C::Scalar>,
// aux_lookup_commitments: Vec<C>,
// aux_table_online_commitments: Vec<C>,
// aux_table_fixed_commitments: Vec<C>,

struct AccumulatorWitness<C: CurveAffine> {
advice_polys: Vec<Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>>,
// aux_lookup_polys: Vec<Polynomial<C::Scalar, LagrangeCoeff>>,
// aux_table_polys: Vec<BTreeMap<usize, C::Scalar>>,
// aux_cached_polys: Vec<BTreeMap<usize, C::Scalar>>,
use super::{
keygen::{CircuitData, ProvingKey},

pub struct AccumulatorInstance<F: Field> {
slack: F,
challenges: Vec<Vec<F>>,
instance: Vec<Polynomial<F, LagrangeCoeff>>,

impl<F: Field> AccumulatorInstance<F> {
pub fn new_empty(pk: &ProvingKey<F>) -> Self {
let challenges = vec![F::ZERO; pk.circuit_data.cs.num_challenges];
let instance = vec![
empty_lagrange(pk.circuit_data.n as usize);
AccumulatorInstance::new(pk, challenges, instance)

pub fn new(
pk: &ProvingKey<F>,
challenges: Vec<F>,
instance: Vec<Polynomial<F, LagrangeCoeff>>,
) -> Self {
let challenge_powers: Vec<_> = challenges
.map(|c| powers_of(c, pk.max_degree))
Self {
slack: F::ONE,
challenges: challenge_powers,
pub struct AccumulatorWitness<F: Field> {
advice: Vec<Polynomial<F, LagrangeCoeff>>,
advice_blinds: Vec<Blind<F>>,

impl<F: Field> AccumulatorWitness<F> {
pub fn new_empty(n: usize, num_advice: usize) -> Self {
Self {
advice: vec![empty_lagrange(n); num_advice],
advice_blinds: vec![Blind::default(); num_advice],
pub fn new(advice: Vec<Polynomial<F, LagrangeCoeff>>, advice_blinds: Vec<Blind<F>>) -> Self {
Self {

pub struct GateEvaluationCache<F: Field> {
gate: Gate<F>,
// required number of evaluations for each gate
num_evals: Vec<usize>,
max_num_evals: usize,

// precomputed powers of slack and challenges
slack_powers_evals: Vec<Vec<F>>,
challenge_powers_evals: Vec<EvaluatedChallenge<F>>,

// Cached data for a row
simple_selector: Option<bool>,
selectors: Vec<F>,
fixed: Vec<F>,
instance_acc: Vec<F>,
instance_new: Vec<F>,
advice_acc: Vec<F>,
advice_new: Vec<F>,

// Local evaluation
// gate_eval[gate_idx][gate_deg]
gate_eval: Vec<Vec<F>>,

impl<F: Field> GateEvaluationCache<F> {
pub fn new(
gate: &Gate<F>,
gate_accumulator: &AccumulatorInstance<F>,
gate_transcript: &AccumulatorInstance<F>,
num_extra_evaluations: usize,
) -> Self {
let num_evals: Vec<_> = gate
.map(|d| d + num_extra_evaluations)

let max_poly_degree = *gate.degrees.iter().max().unwrap();
let max_num_evals = max_poly_degree + num_extra_evaluations;

// The accumual
// Challenge evaluations: challenge_powers_evals[j][X][power] =
// challenges_acc[j][power] + X * challenges_new[j]^power
// for
// j = 0, 1, ..., num_challenges - 1
// X = 0, 1, ..., num_evals - 1
// power = 0, 1, ..., max_poly_degree - 1
let challenge_powers_evals: Vec<_> = {
let challenges_acc = &gate_accumulator.challenges;
let challenges_new = &gate_transcript.challenges;
debug_assert_eq!(challenges_acc.len(), challenges_new.len());

.map(|(c_acc, c_new)| {
EvaluatedChallenge::new(c_acc, c_new, max_num_evals, max_poly_degree)

// slack_powers_evals[X][power] = (slack + X)^power
let slack_powers_evals = {
let slack = gate_accumulator.slack;

let mut slack_powers_evals = Vec::with_capacity(max_num_evals);
// X = 0 => slack_powers_evals[0] = [1, slack, slack^2, ...]
let mut acc = slack;
slack_powers_evals.push(powers_of(&acc, max_poly_degree));
for _i in 1..max_num_evals {
acc += F::ONE;
slack_powers_evals.push(powers_of(&acc, max_poly_degree));


Self {
gate: gate.clone(),
simple_selector: None,
selectors: vec![F::ZERO; gate.queried_selectors.len()],
fixed: vec![F::ZERO; gate.queried_fixed.len()],
instance_acc: vec![F::ZERO; gate.queried_instance.len()],
instance_new: vec![F::ZERO; gate.queried_instance.len()],
advice_acc: vec![F::ZERO; gate.queried_advice.len()],
advice_new: vec![F::ZERO; gate.queried_advice.len()],
gate_eval: gate
.map(|d| vec![F::ZERO; *d + num_extra_evaluations])

/// Fills the local variables buffers with data from the accumulator and new transcript
fn populate(
&mut self,
row: usize,
isize: i32,
circuit_data: &CircuitData<F>,
acc: &AccumulatorWitness<F>,
new: &AccumulatorWitness<F>,
) {
/// Return the index in the polynomial of size `isize` after rotation `rot`.
fn get_rotation_idx(idx: usize, rot: Rotation, isize: i32) -> usize {
(((idx as i32) + rot.0).rem_euclid(isize)) as usize

// Check if the gate is guarded by a simple selector and whether it is active
if let Some(simple_selector) = self.gate.simple_selector {
let selector_column = simple_selector.0;
let value = circuit_data.selectors[selector_column][row];
self.simple_selector = Some(value);
// do nothing and return
if !value {

// Fill selectors
for (i, selector) in self.gate.queried_selectors.iter().enumerate() {
let selector_column = selector.0;
let value = circuit_data.selectors[selector_column][row];
self.selectors[i] = if value { F::ONE } else { F::ZERO };

// Fill fixed
for (i, fixed) in self.gate.queried_fixed.iter().enumerate() {
let fixed_column = fixed.column_index();
let fixed_row = get_rotation_idx(row, fixed.rotation(), isize);
self.fixed[i] = circuit_data.fixed[fixed_column][fixed_row];

// Fill instance
for (i, instance) in self.gate.queried_instance.iter().enumerate() {
let instance_column = instance.column_index();
let instance_row = get_rotation_idx(row, instance.rotation(), isize);
self.instance_acc[i] = acc.advice[instance_column][instance_row];
self.instance_new[i] = new.advice[instance_column][instance_row];

// Fill advice
for (i, advice) in self.gate.queried_instance.iter().enumerate() {
let advice_column = advice.column_index();
let advice_row = get_rotation_idx(row, advice.rotation(), isize);
self.advice_acc[i] = acc.advice[advice_column][advice_row];
self.advice_new[i] = new.advice[advice_column][advice_row];

/// Evaluates the error polynomial for the populated row
/// WARN: `populate` must have been called before.
pub fn evaluate(
&mut self,
row: usize,
isize: i32,
circuit_data: &CircuitData<F>,
acc: &AccumulatorWitness<F>,
new: &AccumulatorWitness<F>,
) -> Option<&[Vec<F>]> {
self.populate(row, isize, circuit_data, acc, new);

// exit early if there is a simple selector and it is off
if let Some(simple_selector_value) = self.simple_selector {
if !simple_selector_value {
return None;
let max_num_evals = self.max_num_evals;
let mut instance_tmp = self.instance_acc.to_vec();
let mut advice_tmp = self.advice_acc.to_vec();

// TODO(@adr1anh): Check whether we are not off-by-one
// Iterate over all evaluations points X = 0, ..., d-1
for eval_idx in 0..max_num_evals {
// After the first iteration, add the contents of the new instance and advice to the tmp buffer
if eval_idx > 0 {
for (i_tmp, i_new) in instance_tmp.iter_mut().zip(self.instance_new.iter()) {
*i_tmp += i_new;
for (a_tmp, a_new) in advice_tmp.iter_mut().zip(self.advice_new.iter()) {
*a_tmp += a_new;
// Iterate over each polynomial constraint
for (poly_idx, (poly, num_evals)) in
// if the degree of this constraint is less than the max degree,
// we don't need to evaluate it
if *num_evals > eval_idx {
// evaluate the j-th constraint G_j at X=d
self.gate_eval[poly_idx][eval_idx] = poly.evaluate(
&|slack_power| self.slack_powers_evals[eval_idx][slack_power],
&|constant| constant,
&|selector_idx| self.selectors[selector_idx],
&|fixed_idx| self.fixed[fixed_idx],
&|advice_idx| advice_tmp[advice_idx],
&|instance_idx| instance_tmp[instance_idx],
&|challenge_idx, challenge_power| {
&|negated| -negated,
&|sum_a, sum_b| sum_a + sum_b,
&|prod_a, prod_b| prod_a * prod_b,
&|scaled, v| scaled * v,

struct EvaluatedChallenge<F: Field> {
// powers_evals[X][power] = acc[power] + X * new^power
pub powers_evals: Vec<Vec<F>>,

fn powers_of<F: Field>(v: &F, num_powers: usize) -> Vec<F> {
let mut powers = Vec::with_capacity(num_powers);
let mut acc = F::ONE;

for _i in 1..num_powers {
acc *= v;

impl<F: Field> EvaluatedChallenge<F> {
fn new(acc: &[F], new: &[F], num_evals: usize, max_degree: usize) -> Self {
debug_assert_eq!(acc.len(), new.len());
// debug_assert!(
// acc.len() <= max_degree,
// "number of accumulated challenge powers must be at least `max_degree`"
// );
// d = max_degree, D = num_evals
// [
// [1 , acc_1 , ..., acc_{d-1} ],
// [1 + 1, acc_1 + new, ..., acc_{d-1} + new^{d-1}],
// ...,
// [1 + D * 1, acc_1 + D * new, ..., acc_{d-1} + D * new^{d-1}],
// ]

let mut powers_evals = Vec::with_capacity(num_evals);
// set first row for D=0
debug_assert_eq!(acc[0], F::ONE);

for eval in 1..max_degree {
// compute next row by adding `new` to the previous row
powers_evals[eval - 1]
.map(|(prev, new)| *prev + new)
EvaluatedChallenge { powers_evals }

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